12 Weeks to a Flawless Fanny – Week 9

12 Weeks to a Flawless Fanny – Week 9

Welcome to Latigo Point today, one of our fave surf spots here in Malibu. It is a peaceful, hazy morning here in Malibu and I am really looking forward to this beach workout.

If you are joining us for the first time, start here!

If you have been with us from the start, please make sure you check with a doctor as to if these exercises are safe for you. Not every exercise works for every person!

Also don’t forget to stretch both before and after you workout!

Drink plenty of water at any time to stay nice and hydrated before, during and after the workout.

This week The Butt Babe has planned some of my favorite exercises for us with no weights and only one superset!

Fire Hydrants superseted with leg extensions – get into position on all fours. Lift one leg up and out, keeping knee bent, hold, then extend leg to straight position. Bend knee back then lower leg. Repeat 15 times then switch and do 15 with the other leg to get the workout going..

Rainbow Leg Lifts – remain on all fours, extend one leg out behind you. Touch your toes down on the outside of the bent leg, then lift high like a rainbow and arch the leg over to the other side and touch down. Repeat 15 times then switch legs and do 15 more.

Sumo Squats with Toe Raise – find a nice flat surface. Put legs shoulder width apart with toes pointing out. Lower into a squat that you are comfortable with. While down, lift onto tippy toes and come back up. Repeat this move 15 times to complete the workout.

As you can see from my wobbly example, it is ok to do each exercise to your bodies limit. Squat only as far as your body will allow, and take your time. If you stick with it and do these every other day, you will be looking like a super model in no time!

Food Challenge – I am going to challenge myself to drink more water this week, especially while I work out. My water consumption is always low this time of year so I want to be conscious of it this week and drink plenty.


Have a fantastic day!

Malibu Mama Loves Xx


flawless fanny week 9

Author: malibumamaloves

I am a conscious mama, a dv survivor, a conscious trauma informed life coach who has overcome trauma and helps others turn their pain into purpose in facing their unhealed traumas.

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