6 Conscious Tips To Help Kids With The Back To School Blues

6 Conscious Tips To Help Kids With The Back To School Blues

6 conscious tips to help kids with back to school blues

With the school year well underway, many parents are starting to answer the ‘do I have to go to school today?’ question already! After a summer spent traveling, at camp or on the beach, can you blame them?!

Getting back into the fall routine can be a whirlwind for both parents and kids. From all of the back to school shopping to organized sports activities to shorter days with homework, it can easily stress us all out.

So on those rare days I get asked, here is what I do.

6 Conscious Tips To Help Kids With The Back To School Blues

  1. I talk to them. I tell them that today is going to be an amazing adventure. That they are going to see all of their friends and learn some very interesting new things. Talking to them honestly empowers children to know that they can control their day. That they can choose to have a happy day and focus on the positives, if they want to. It is our job as parents to make them want too and talking with them is a great step in this direction.
  2. Set our intentions for the day. I then talk to them about what they think may happen and what they would like to have happen. Anything from something they are interested in learning about to spending some time with a particular friend on the playground to what they want for dinner has come up. Remember those powerful Laws Of Attraction? Our kids are never too young to start learning them! By this point they are usually smiling and excited to go!
  3. At the drop off I give them a hug, look them in the eye and remind them that I will be there right at pickup to get them. I tell them everything they have to look forward to that afternoon and wish them an epic day! This relaxes them with the knowledge of what their day looks like and gives them the confidence needed to have a great day at school.
  4. I make sure to keep my word. Keeping your word and honoring your promises is a very important thing for so many reasons. Obviously things can happen, but on a regular basis, try to do what you tell them you will. Consistency is important for children and they need it. It will reassure your child that they can trust you which in turn they will learn to trust themselves and be on the path to a healthy, conscious life.
  5. Play the ‘Best Part of the Day’ game. I love this and we do it every night. At dinner, we each take a turn talking about what the best part of our day was and then we take a few minutes to discuss it. Something from school always comes up and I’m quick to point out how much they love school, to which they agree! This positive reinforcement goes a long way and if done regularly, will leave a lasting impression easing any back to school blues.
  6. Start planning a family trip. A great remedy for almost everything, planning a family trip together, talking about where you want to go and what you want to do always generates excitement and gives you all something to look forward to. Whether it’s a day trip, a weekend getaway or longer, getting some kind of family trip into the works is a great idea and gives you all something to talk about, tightening your family bond.

By the time I leave in the morning my kids are happy and excited to start their day. By taking the time to talk and listen to them, I see their confidence growing and their attitudes just happy in general. Which makes for a happy mama! 😉

What are your great conscious tips to help kids with the back to school blues?

Safe travels sand happy thoughts!

Malibu Mama Loves Xx



Author: malibumamaloves

I am a conscious mama, a dv survivor, a conscious trauma informed life coach who has overcome trauma and helps others turn their pain into purpose in facing their unhealed traumas.

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