Dear Me

Dear Me

dear me

It’s the 3rd day of the BlogHer NaBloPoMo challenge where I will be posting every single day for the month of November (there is still time to join, if you’d like, just click the link above).

The prompt today is: If you could be completely honest with no regrets, what would you say and to whom?

Hmmm…. There are lots of people I would love to be honest with… But today I am going to be honest with myself, and hopefully not regret it…!!! 😉

The following is a letter I wish I would have gotten when I was 17 or 18, it is a letter from myself now to the girl I was then, pictured above.

Dear Me,

Hello gorgeous girl! I know you don’t think you are gorgeous, or loveable for that matter, but let me assure you, YOU ARE!

As a young, well-educated girl, you have more power than you dare to imagine and you have so much opportunity right at your fingertips. I urge you to take advantage of all of them.

Don’t be in such a rush to find the right guy and have children. I have a feeling your journey to find the right guy will be a long one anyway ( 😉 ) so relax and instead focus on all of the good you can do in this world around you.

Learn everything you can. Knowledge is power and something that can never be taken away from you.

Show kindness at every opportunity and remember you never know what is going on with the other person, so cut them some slack if need be and know that you are strong.

Experience life as much as possible. Travel when you get the opportunity, sit at the bar rather than alone in the corner, leap without looking sometimes, take that risk that scares you more than anything else. If you believe in yourself, then you can’t fail, you will only learn and then be able to try again with a better plan.

Trust yourself and the right people. I know this is something that you have always struggled with. But the fact of the matter is that you have great instincts and if you listened to yourself as much as other people did, you would be more ahead of the game. Listen to your instincts, trust your great judgement.

Believe in yourself, because you are amazing. You are capable of incredible things, we all are, if we just choose to believe in our own abilities. But that is a choice only you can make, and I hope you make it soon.

Choose to be happy. Happiness is a choice, one that you can choose every single day if you want to. Instead of focusing on what you don’t have, focus on what you do have and how you can use that to get what you want.

Always be honest with yourself. This is perhaps one of the hardest things for you and one you still struggle with today. Reality can be harsh, but pretending does not make it any better. You have been hurt, you have unintentionally hurt others and that’s ok. Make up for it by being honest with yourself and allowing yourself to be the best person you can be going forward by forgiving, understanding, appreciating and loving.

Figure out who your true friends are and toss out the bad apples. You know you have a few people around you who are not true friends, yet you are hesitant to push them out of your life and you have a hard time saying no to people. But let me tell you, those bad apples have no problem saying no to you or hurting you so believe in yourself, be honest with yourself and stop engaging with people that hurt you. Instead, turn to the true friends that you are so blessed to have in your life.

Eat well! The food we put into ourselves sustains us. I didn’t start eating right until I was pregnant, so please start looking into what foods are best for us sooner rather than later!

But most importantly, learn to love yourself. Because if you don’t fully love and respect yourself, then no one else can or will. You must stand up and put your boundaries out there for how you want to be treated. Respect the Laws Of Attraction that suggest by putting out good intentions, good things will come back and happen.

You have so much to be thankful for, you have so many good opportunities coming to you that I am thankful for having had every day.

Get ready for the ultimate ride past me, your life is going to be fast, furious, hard and fun all wrapped up into one! Know that you ARE strong enough to handle anything that comes at you AND that really, really, really good things are in store for you.

All my love,

Future Lindsey

Malibu Mama Loves Xxx

Author: malibumamaloves

I am a conscious mama, a dv survivor, a conscious trauma informed life coach who has overcome trauma and helps others turn their pain into purpose in facing their unhealed traumas.

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