The Idea Of Perfection

The Idea Of Perfection

the idea of perfection

For so many years, I was caught up in the idea that everything had to be perfect.

I was fooled into thinking that my happiness relied upon having the perfect parents/body/clothes/friends/career/mate/house/children… the list could go on…

And for a long time, I bought it. I all but killed myself trying to have everything be perfect for those I loved. If something went wrong, not to worry, I was an expert at guilting myself because I was sure it was my fault. I never felt like I did enough or gave enough, but damn did I try.

Until one day, when my Irish twins were 2 and 3, I realized something. As they were napping and I was [exhausted] catching up on household jobs, I caught myself thinking about where their perfect little lives would take them and I realized that it was different for each child.

I realized that the idea of perfection was different for each child’s life which means the idea of perfection for each adult’s life is different as well!!

The perfect mate for me may not be the perfect mate for you. The perfect job for me may not be the perfect job for you. The perfect child for me may not be the perfect child for me.

The Idea of Perfection is relative!

Since I fully believe that happiness is a choice, I was stunned at why I had ever been so concerned about making things how I thought was perfect for everyone else while ignoring myself. They have to choose happiness, me making things my version of perfect for them is not going to do it, nor is anyone going to be able to do it for me.

What is Perfection?

According to wikki Perfection means the condition, state, or quality of being free or as free as possible from all flaws or defects.

Though the media, our neighbors, our friends, our communities may impact our perception of perfection, we are pushing ourselves to constantly be something we are not because of what we think they [will] think of us.

Realizing this freed me in a way. I recognized that I needed to redefine what my idea of perfection was, for me, which was kind of exciting!

My Idea of Perfection

When my family and friends have made it through the day unharmed, happy and loved. Simple as that.

For me, having the perfect house/family/life is about respect, honesty and love, all of which I do my best to live by and teach my children every day. My perfection is created in appreciating what I already have as I walk my journey.

Here is a daily motivational reminder I give my kids in the morning – Progress is perfection. Be honest, give your best effort and you will find your idea of perfection there. I will be very proud of you for that.

Malibu Mama Loves Xx


Author: malibumamaloves

I am a conscious mama, a dv survivor, a conscious trauma informed life coach who has overcome trauma and helps others turn their pain into purpose in facing their unhealed traumas.

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