Juggling Roles

Juggling Roles


So now that I am continuing my education with movingthehumanspirit.com, momming 2 on my own and trying to keep up with running this business along with day-to-day life, I’m wondering if I can handle it all. And I know I’m not alone.

We all juggle many different roles through the course of life, some seasons being far busier than others. I’m in a super busy season where I find myself juggling many roles. Trying to keep up with my kids lives, my learning demands, my work requirements, my spirituality, my social obligations and staying healthy can be a challenge, and sometimes overwhelming if I’m honest.

Juggling by definition means attempting to balance competing demands. Think about the juggler who tosses a knife, an orange and a pot… We do that daily. Figuring out what is going to land where, when and how. Balancing the unbalanced. Do you know what I mean?

Than you need to keep reading. Because in my most overwhelmed moments where I think there is no way I can keep going, everything is jumbled up, I have come up with a way to calm and refocus my mind, letting myself realize I am right where I am meant to be and doing things that will bring me so much happiness and success.

How To Juggle Roles Successfully

  1. Breath, meditate, take time to appreciate. When you have a lot on your plate, I find it super helpful to stop and breath. Oxygenating your blood naturally calms you down and puts you more in control. Then meditation and visualizing success will hammer it home for you, helping you be ready to play any role.
  2. Organize. Yup, that scary word that brings so much peace – ORGANIZE!! It actually is fun! Use planners, apps, schedules or whatever method you fancy, but organization is literally the key to juggling roles. I like to take 20-30 minutes in the morning by getting up before everyone else and meditating for a few minutes than making a list of everything that is running through my head that need doing that day. I utilize a calendar app to notify me of things due and events and dates not to be forgotten. Taking 30 minutes once a week to input all of your activities and meetings can be a life saver. Making a list of all chores and breaking them down to 5 or less a day, weekly also helps. Detail your habits and create a plan of how and when you will accomplish your goals. Be flexible with yourself, but hold yourself accountable.
  3. Prioritize. As soon as you have it all organized, prioritize putting the most important things during your strongest time of day. Be honest with yourself and understanding that you can’t do it all. So put your best foot forward, prioritize it and get as much done as you can.
  4. Include your family or friends. Involve someone close by sharing your goals and objectives and ask them to support you in achieving goals. Consider hiring a life coach to help you hold yourself accountable.
  5. Determine what actions serve you best. Review things weekly and be open to changing actions you notice that are causing you to drop the ball so to speak. Create safe spaces for you to be honest with yourself and be open to learning and growing daily.
  6. Be aware of time. Be sure not to overschedule yourself and to leave enough time for yourself to complete tasks. Not doing so will set you up for failure and that is not the goal here!! So be honest and understanding with your time – as how you spend time is your biggest asset.

What are your great tips for juggling roles?


Malibu Mama Loves Xx



Author: malibumamaloves

I am a conscious mama, a dv survivor, a conscious trauma informed life coach who has overcome trauma and helps others turn their pain into purpose in facing their unhealed traumas.

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