15 Ways To Be Thankful In 2016

15 Ways To Be Thankful In 2016

ways to be thankful

Being thankful means so much more than just remembering to say Thank You. We discussed what being thankful really means here.

Let’s take that one step further today and look at 15 ways to be thankful in 2016. These are things you can do on our own and with your entire family. They are things I do with my kids!

15 Ways To Be Thankful In 2016

  1. Be more understanding, listen and react with your heart. You never know what is going on in the other person’s world, so try to be more understanding in situations. Listen with your heart, be kind.
  2. Think before you talk. The way we communicate, the things we say alter our perception of the world, and the world’s perception of us. So be considerate with your words.
  3. Write some thank you note’s. Writing thank you note’s is a lovely tradition that is sadly becoming a thing of the past. But what better way to show someone you appreciate them and are thankful for something they have done for you than with a handwritten thank you note? Let’s bring this tradition back and surprise someone special today with one!
  4. Send a care package to a soldier. Our soldier’s fight tirelessly for us every day. Sending them a little surprise in the mail is a great way to thank them for all that they do for us. Find out how here at OperationGratitude.com.
  5. Help an elderly neighbor. You know that neighbor down the street? Surprise them with a nice home cooked meal, or help them with their yardwork, or even with their groceries. This will make you feel great and them feel cared for, a win-win!
  6. Donate food to your local food bank. A whopping 43 million people went hungry last year in the USA. Our food banks do good work and are helping to fight hunger right here in our own backyards. Donate what you can to help them help the hungry.
  7. Make time for giving thanks. Put aside some time every day to talk about what you are thankful for. A great time to do this is at a family meal. Have each person take a turn sharing something they are thankful for. This is such an uplifting exercise that whole family will benefit from.
  8. Begin a gratitude journal. Journaling is a great way to express ourselves and is a fantastic tool to keep us conscious and positive. Begin each entry with 3 things you are thankful for them describe why are thankful for each thing.
  9. Get involved with your community. Every community always needs volunteers to help them. Check with your local community center to see if there is anything you can do to help.
  10. Remember. Spend some time remembering all that has been done for you. Remember those that have helped you along the way, those who have fought for our way of life and all that your friends and family have done and continue to do for you.
  11. Visit an elderly home or a hospital ward and spread some cheer.
  12. Choose a few bags you do not use anymore, fill them with toiletries and hand them out to someone in need.
  13. Create an Instagram group with some inspirational friends to send each other thankful pictures you find. Instagram is a great tool for spreading thankfulness. Have fun sending and receiving inspirational pictures with your friends.
  14. Make a pinterest board dedicated to the things you are thankful for. Pinterest is a good way to keep all of your thoughts organized. Being thankful is something we should be conscious of everyday, starting a pinterest board for this will be most helpful (and fun)! 😉
  15. Appreciate. Appreciate everything, enjoy the gifts that have been given to you, value the words of your family and friends, and pay your good fortune forward!

Malibu Mama Loves Xxx


Author: malibumamaloves

I am a conscious mama, a dv survivor, a conscious trauma informed life coach who has overcome trauma and helps others turn their pain into purpose in facing their unhealed traumas.

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