7 Signs That Show You Are A Great Mom
Let’s be honest, being a mom can be confusing, challenging, frustrating and exhausting. Most of us are so tired we feel like we are getting it all wrong.
Raising the next generation is a very special task, one that most parents are constantly questioning themselves on whether they made the right choices for their child or not. We all have doubt, it is human nature.
But when that doubt sets in, we need to be strong. We need to realize that we are doing a great job at being a parent. We need to be conscious and focus on the positive.
7 Signs That Show You Are A Great Mom
- Your Child Has Been Really Angry With You. Our main job as parents is to define acceptable boundaries for our children, to help them understand how to be a conscious part of a community. It is only human nature to test those boundaries, as parents we should understand/expect it. So when my child asks for a third desert and I say no and they tell me they hate me, I just smile and tell them that’s fine because I have plenty of love for both of us. And I know I am doing a good job, just like you are! 😉
- You Think You Are A Bad Mom. Bad moms don’t know they are horrible. So the fact that you are conscious, aware and even suggesting this to yourself is a sure sign that YOU ARE A GREAT MOM!
- You’ve Had A Few Really Bad Days. We all do. It is normal. We have a slew of feedings, diaper changes, carpool, crying/wining children, irritable partner, piles of dishes and a stack of paperwork at work to get through feeling totally overwhelmed, alone and unappreciated and can just want to pack it all in. But then we get a miracle day where our children are angels and everything just seems to go right and we think back to the bad day and a realization can set in – we survived it! We can handle it because you are a great mom.
- You Listen To Your Instinct. Everyone wants to give us advice on what is best for our children, and it is good to listen. But at the end of the day, you know in your gut what is best. By listening to your instinct, you are being a great mom.
- You Learn From Your Children. In life we are constantly growing and evolving. Our children are in school’s learning the most current information. Yes, we have so much to teach them, but they do us as well. Listening to your children, learning and growing with them everyday is a sure sign that you are a great mom.
- You Discipline Your Children. As I said before, children need to learn their acceptable boundaries and we need to effectively communicate to them how to do this. Discipline is needed and if you have found a conscious way to with your littles, than you are doing a great job.
- You Appreciate Your Children. You comfort them when needed, you don’t compare them to other kids, you make sure they have enough food before you sit to eat, you take an active role in your child’s life, you are conscious to boost their confidence, you make the effort with other parents of their friends, these are all ways to show your love and appreciation to your child that you are most likely already doing and don’t realize.
So remember, you are a great mom. Go easy on yourself and know you are not alone on your bad days, we all have them.
Chin up and just think, tomorrow is a brand new day filled with possibilities! You are a great mom doing a fantastic job in the best way you know how.
Malibu Mama Loves Xxx