5 Signs You Might Be Unknowingly Manifesting Unhealed Trauma

5 Signs You Might Be Unknowingly Manifesting Unhealed Trauma


I talk about this all the time – unhealed trauma can unexpectedly resurface, manifesting in ways that may be puzzling. The healing journey is often nonlinear, filled with unexpected challenges. Understanding the signs of unhealed trauma is vital for fostering awareness and growth.

Here are five commonly misunderstood behaviors that may indicate unhealed trauma:

  1. Interrupting Conversations

If you often find yourself interrupting others or finishing their sentences, it could be a sign of unhealed trauma. This behavior might stem from feeling anxious or needing to assert control in conversations. When your mind races ahead, it can lead to impatience and a desire to keep the dialogue moving. Recognizing this pattern can help you practice active listening and be more present with others. I’m very guilty of this one.

  1. Difficulty Focusing on Boring Tasks

Becoming easily distracted during mundane tasks is another common sign. You might find it hard to concentrate or feel an overwhelming urge to escape when faced with something uninteresting. This distraction can be a coping mechanism, a way to avoid discomfort or feelings associated with the task at hand. Developing strategies to engage more fully in these moments can be a helpful step toward healing.

  1. Skin Picking or Biting

Engaging in behaviors like skin picking or biting is often a physical manifestation of emotional distress. These actions can provide temporary relief from anxiety but ultimately distract from addressing deeper issues. If you find yourself resorting to these habits, it may be worth exploring healthier coping mechanisms, such as mindfulness or stress-relief techniques. I pick the skin around my nails when I am super stressed, I never realized this was a trauma response.

  1. Fidgeting or Restlessness

Shaking your legs, clicking a pen, or fiddling with objects in your hands are signs of restlessness often linked to unhealed trauma. These fidgeting behaviors can be a response to anxiety, helping to release pent-up energy or stress. Recognizing when you engage in these actions can provide insights into your emotional state, allowing you to find more constructive ways to manage that energy. My leg was always going a mile a minute… is yours?

  1. Procrastination/Paralysis Under Pressure

Leaving tasks until the last minute and then cramming to meet deadlines may feel like you work better under pressure, but it can also indicate unhealed trauma. This pattern often arises from a fear of failure or an overwhelming need to avoid tasks that evoke anxiety. Learning to break tasks into smaller, manageable steps can alleviate the stress of last-minute cramming. Making lists helps me big time!

Recognizing these behaviors is an essential part of the healing process. It took me many years on my healing journey to pinpoint and work with them. The tricky thing about trauma is that it affects everyone differently. By understanding how unresolved trauma affects you, you can begin to take meaningful steps toward healing and growth. Seeking support from a therapist can also provide valuable tools for navigating this journey.

Take my 2-minute quiz to see if you have unhealed trauma here today. Let’s get your healing journey started now!


Malibu Mama Loves Xx



Author: malibumamaloves

I am a conscious mama, a dv survivor, a conscious trauma informed life coach who has overcome trauma and helps others turn their pain into purpose in facing their unhealed traumas.

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