#HappinessToday Day 1of Happiness
Good Morning my friends! The sun is out, the kids are off to school, the mate is off to work and all is quiet – for a few minutes anyway! In my post on What Makes You Happy, I challenged myself for the next 7 days to write each morning on what made me happy the day before. Here we go! Day 1 Of #HappinessToday After thinking about my whole day yesterday I can pinpoint my happiest moment quite easily. My children get picked up in...
Why I Always Leave a Note in My Mate’s Coat
Life with kids is very fast paced. Whether you have one or five, it is so easy to forget that you and your mate are more than just parents. You have read why I always leave a note their lunchbox, here is why I always leave a note in my mate’s coat. To remind him, and sometimes myself – lol, that I love him. That I appreciate him. That I can’t wait for him to come home. If he is traveling, I stick little notes in different...
What Makes You Happy?
Happiness is that pot of gold at the end of the rainbow that everyone is rushing to find right now. But I think most of us are looking in the wrong place. Happiness is not at the end of something waiting to be found, hppns is what you are along the way~MML http://t.co/OTj7VyDqr4 #happiness — Malibu Mama Loves (@MalibuMamaLoves) September 10, 2014 5 Easy Ways to be Happy! 1. Appreciate! This is a biggie. Appreciate what you...
Tantalizing Teff
On our trip to the Malibu Farmer’s Market this past Sunday I discovered something new to me, and it seems, new to America! Teff! Teff is a gluten-free whole grain that is the seed of an Ethiopian grass. It has been a staple of the country of Ethiopia for thousands of years and is now quickly climbing up the American food chart to super-grain status! This grain is packed with power giving us high concentrations of a few vitamins,...
Why I Always Leave a Note in Their Lunchbox
Elementary school is such a transition, especially kindergarten and first grade. Kids are incredibly resilient and will be just fine, really happy even! I like to leave a note in their lunchbox every day and sign from Mommy & Daddy http://t.co/B7eI5hHqyR #parenting #parentingtips — Malibu Mama Loves (@MalibuMamaLoves) September 9, 2014 It gives my kids something exciting to read from me in their lunchbox as I try to use...
9 Tips To Healthier Self-Confidence
Self-confidence plays an essential role in every facet of our lives, yet so many people struggle to master it. From finding your place in gym class or math to your first date, first interview, first disagreement with your co-worker, boss, child or spouse, or learning to ride a bicycle, self-confidence is important to surviving all of these tasks. But here is what we do not realize. We put so much faith and stock in what other...
Seriously Cool Pet Owner!
We went to our fave beach in Malibu last weekend and met one of the coolest pet owners ever! We were in the process of building our own tidal pool when we look over and sitting on a rock not 5 feet away from us was a bearded dragon! Just hangin’ out on the rock there, soaking in the sun and letting the small ocean waves sprinkle her every few minutes! Bearded dragons are not local animals you get to see every day so I was a little...
4 Reasons to Eat Seasonal, Fresh and Local and How
Eating fresh, seasonal and local seems to be the trend right now. Everyone is telling everyone to do it! It is funny that prior to the early 1900’s, it was common to base your meal plans around what foods were available within a short distance. I think it is fantastic that we are getting back to that. There are so many benefits from eating fresh fruit and veg when and where they are grown naturally. Nature provides for us better than...
What is in Your Water?
So strange to think that in this century, the 21st century, our water can be so contaminated. With everything we know. But it is. With things we don’t know about. Why is it important to drink water? 60% of our body is made up of water. Our body needs water to function, it is the miracle elixir that can sustain us. We can go for weeks without food, but only mere days without water. Through urination, sweating and breathing, each day we...