Conscious Parenting – 5 Tips To Help Your Kids With Bullies

Conscious Parenting – 5 Tips To Help Your Kids With Bullies


Bullying can leave deep emotional scars in a child and is a traumatic experience. Unfortunately, kids of all ages today are faced with bullies. Whether they are being bullied or it happens in front of them, mean kids are a part of school life.

As conscious parents it is our job to help them understand what bullying is, how to identify it and how to protect themselves and their peers from it. Here are 5 tips to help your kids with bullies.

5 Tips To Help Your Kids With Bullies

  1. Open the lines of communication – and keep them open! Talk to them about it, explain it to them. Forewarn them about the signs, share experiences you have had, ask questions about their experiences and remember to periodically check in with them by asking specifically if anything has happened. Ask about their friends and if they know of any problem kids to look out for. Fortify your children with understanding that what happens says less about the victim than about the bully. Communicating is key in stopping bullies.
  2. Create a list of responses so they know what to say when it happens. Things like strongly saying “Back Off”; “Stop It”; “I Don’t Like That”; “That Wasn’t Nice” and then to walk away.
  3. Role Play. Practice it. Seriously. It really does help them in the moment. So practice being the bully and making your child stand up to you and walk away. Have them practice saying no and feeling strong in that no. This is a great way to build confidence and empower your child.
  4. Teach them to find allies. There is strength in numbers. Help them understand how to pick good friends that stick together and empower each other.
  5. Encourage them to be an Upstander, not a bystander. If they see something, they should say something and get help from a teacher or school staff member. Spread peace and love, stop the hatred. Take action to stop bullies together with your child.

You should always notify the school about any form of bullying and even try to partner with them and your local community to raise awareness on these hurtful, extremely damaging bullies. Don’t ever be afraid to reach out to the other parents as well. Communicating is the key to ending the bullying battle.

Malibu Mama Loves Xx

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Author: malibumamaloves

I am a conscious mama, a dv survivor, a conscious trauma informed life coach who has overcome trauma and helps others turn their pain into purpose in facing their unhealed traumas.

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