Conscious Parenting Why Every Dad Needs A Break
Just as each and every one of us Moms need to take a break, so, too, do the Dads!
Every Dad loves their families just as much as us Moms do and in today’s society they play a very active part in family and household duties.
The modern Dad works as a team with his mate to ensure the families’ health and happiness. So whether you are a stay-at-home Dad, a work-from-home Dad or a career 9-5 Dad, you need to take a break too!
Why Every Dad Needs A Break
Every Dad Needs a Break to appreciate his life.
The responsibilities of having children, a house and all that goes with it can get overwhelming fast. Taking at least 5 minutes a day to remind yourself how much you do have and how lucky you are will refresh not only your mind, but your attitude as well.
Every Dad Needs a Break to maintain their sanity.
The demanding life of a parent can be very challenging so it is important to be aware that BOTH mom and dad need to keep their cool. Just as every mom needs to hand over the reins for a bit, so does every dad.
Every Dad Needs a Break to remember to live a little.
The modern dad needs to remember that he counts too. As much as he gives everything he has to his family, it is important to honor his own interests as well.
Every Dad Needs a Break to be appreciated!
Dad does so many things that we often take for granted. When Dad takes a break, the kids see first-hand how much he does do and can truly appreciate him.
As a parent, it is so easy to feel under-appreciated, used and alone. We often forget that there is another parent right in our own home who is probably feeling the same way. But because you both are exhausted, instead of connecting in this trying time, many of us push the other away.
This is why taking a break, for each parent, is so important and valuable. Because the break gives us time to remember why we got into this whole family raising business in the first place. It gives us time to reflect on ourselves, on our mate and on our lives and can often be a life-line when the kids are really testing us! 😉
Taking a break to check in on yourself and do something that really makes you feel good, whether it is exercising, volunteering, your favorite hobby or meditating is an important part of conscious living and being happy.
Have you taken a break today?
Malibu Mama Loves Xx
PS – Read more about this conscious living thing in my new eBook available here on Amazon: