5 Simple Steps for Keeping Your House Clean
I love nothing more than to come home to a sparkling clean house at the end of a long day. Unfortunately, my children and husband can make keeping the house sparkling quite a challenge! Obviously, the best idea would be to hire a cleaning company to come in weekly, but if that is not in the budget quite yet, I have a few tips on keeping your house clean.
Most people, myself included, hate to clean but love to live in a clean environment; so cleaning becomes a necessary evil. My advice, don’t let it overwhelm you.
Take charge by following these simple steps for keeping you house clean.
Step 1 for Keeping Your House Clean
Make a master list of everything that needs to be done. Include dusting, cleaning windows, changing sheets, cleaning blinds and cabinets – everything.
Categorize things that need to be done daily, weekly, monthly and yearly.
Step 2 for Keeping Your House Clean
Decide on how you want to do it. Do you prefer to do a little each day or schedule to do it all in one day? Either way is completely functional and depends on your lifestyle.
Step 3 for Keeping Your House Clean
Break your list up according to how you plan to clean.
If you would like to do a little each day, I suggest you choose five things to tackle each day. If you have already made a to-do list, add 5 cleaning tasks each day. If not, break down your master list of cleaning tasks into sections of 5 and tackle a section a day. When you come to the end of the list, repeat! The items listed in your yearly category should not go on this list, instead schedule some time to tackle these with the help of your family.
If you have the ability and the want to complete all the tasks in one day, then schedule a day just for cleaning.
Step 4 for Keeping Your House Clean
Choose your cleaning products and tools. Purchase some form of a bin (small enough for you to carry) to keep all of your cleaning items in. This will make it easy when moving room to room to clean – all of your things will be in one place. Pick a high cabinet (away from little hands and mouths) to store it in.
Step 5 for Keeping Your House Clean
Keep things tidy as you go. Meaning make sure you leave enough time for the kids to help pick up all of their toys after play or to get the dishes put in the dishwasher after a meal or to get all of the clothes left on the floor put in the hamper! Being conscious of and keeping up with the things that can overwhelm and clutter your house will help you when it is time to deep clean (meaning vacuuming, washing floors and counter tops, etc.).
What are your tips for keeping your house clean? Please share them with us!
Cheers and Happy Cleaning!
Malibu Mama Loves Xx
June 22, 2015
Fantastic article! I think we can all agree that coming home to a sparkling clean house would be most wonderful. My wife always says that she doesn’t really want expensive gifts or holidays – just a break every now and then would be fantastic.
For those who want the “sparkling clean home” feeling without spending a lot of money on processed products, I’ve put together a list of 25 quick and easy cleaning tips for the home with organic products.
June 22, 2015
Great tips Lucian! Thank you for sharing – and for suggesting that Dads can help out too!! Love your work on sharing how easy organic cleaning really is! 😉