The Secret to Prevent Head Lice

The Secret to Prevent Head Lice

secret to prevent head liceIt is hard to believe that the summer is already over!

The first day of school has come.

So, too, has the dread of all of the ‘fun’ little bacteria’s and such that will come close to our loved ones!

One of the most irritating being head lice.

Everyone dread’s that letter coming home, you know the one – we have all gotten it at some time!

‘We regret to inform you that there is a child in the classroom with a case of head lice….’

What Actually Is Head Lice?

Thankfully they are not dangerous. Just really annoying, highly contagious and can be a pain to get rid of.

A louse (singular for lice) is a tiny, wingless parasitic insect that lives among human hairs and feeds on tiny amounts of blood drawn from the scalp.

They are very itchy and almost invisible.

How to Prevent Head Lice

Lice naturally stay away from coconuts. Who knew?

My daughter’s head is sensitive. So I need to use a spray conditioner before I can brush it.

This how I found Desert Essence!



Before I discovered it was a natural lice repellent, I was only using it on my daughter. But after lice went through her preschool class and she was the only one not to get it, I spray it on both of my children every morning!

I have been using it for a few years now and we have never had lice enter our home!!

What is your secret trick to stay lice free?

Malibu Mama Loves Xx


Author: malibumamaloves

I am a conscious mama, a dv survivor, a conscious trauma informed life coach who has overcome trauma and helps others turn their pain into purpose in facing their unhealed traumas.

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