The Benefits Of Coconut Oil
Not too long ago I had a visit with my brother. I asked him what he thought of Coconut Oil. “Isn’t that the oil that is really bad for you?” was his reply. NO!!!!! Ok, how could my brother not know about the benefits of coconut oil? The Tree Of Life So many people have been talking about coconut oil like it is this new health superfood. Well, yes and no. It is a ‘superfood’, it is amazing and does amazing things, but it is certainly...
My Emergency Cesarean Section
I was determined to give birth ‘the natural way’, with the drugs of course! My pregnancy had been perfectly normal. I had no idea what an emergency cesarean section even was! I had eaten way healthier than I ever thought possible and felt better than ever. I was totally ready for the big day… the delivery, counting the moments. So all of a sudden one night, two days after my due date, I felt a bit of water between my legs. I went and...
Why Make A Family Meal Plan
Let’s just face the fact and admit that making a family meal plan sucks. It is a real PITA (kid safe word for pain in the ass). However it is totally beneficial for families, especially ones trying to navigate around all of the processed foods that seem to be everywhere! Why do I make a family meal plan? Totally helps with time management (one less thing to think about during a busy week) Improves personal and family health by eating...
My Family Meal Plan Explained
I have incorporated a few things into my Family Meal Plan I do think it is very important to have family dinners together. The rule of thumb in my house is one meal a day together – which usually is dinner but sometimes not (albeit rarely!). It is nice to sit, eat together and chat about our day. We do a question at dinner that everyone has to answer, like “What was your favorite part of the day?” So I urge you to try to sit together...
Introducing Food to Babies
What a great time in life – discovering food! Tastes, textures, smells – it is all new and exciting! As the parent doing the introducing it can be equally as scary as it can be exciting. This is why it is super important to be sure to talk with your pediatrician BEFORE taking ANYONE’S advice – even mine! For us, by about four months of literally breast-feeding every 2 hours (and yes my child was putting on great amounts of weight – I...
Cooking Oil Facts
Cooking Oil 411 I used to think that oil was oil. I used it to sauté veggies, or in a recipe, or to make popcorn, not really on my radar. Then I heard about coconut oil & how it has so many benefits. #healthyselves — Malibu Mama Loves (@MalibuMamaLoves) September 16, 2014 Really? I thought, it is just oil… Then I did some research, I was curious. I was shocked at what I found. This is what I did not...
Tips for a Long Car Trip with Kids
Tips to Survive Long Car Trips with Kids Most people groan at the idea of kids in the car. But it can be quite fun! This is such an amazing world, we should all take every opportunity to check it out AND share it with our children. Whether you have to drive for 6 hours with two toddlers for that distant cousins wedding or you are just feeling adventurous with your elementary schoolers, follow even just some of my tips and you...
How To Get Kids To Eat Healthy
The Nightmare All parents live in fear that their kids are not eating enough or the right things or are eating too much. Some are afraid to give healthy snacks because they don’t want to be the boring parent, some are afraid of the ‘fancy’ snacks but choose to give them anyway – never mind that there are enough preservatives in that bag of cheesy nachos to keep a cat alive for almost 6 years… – but it is in a pretty package and...