5 Reasons Why You Should Set An Intention Word Every Year

5 Reasons Why You Should Set An Intention Word Every Year

set an intention word every year

It’s that time of year again… The one that has everyone thinking about all of the good and the bad of the past year and hoping for only good in the coming new year.

Some people like to make resolutions, a list of specific things that they wish to change, follow through on for a few weeks than forget about by months’ end (I know I used to!).  But on my path to consciousness, I realized something.

Our lives are fueled by our perceptions of things. That instead of looking specifically at what I was doing wrong, I needed to look at why I was doing it and what choices I was making to lead me to that choice – in diet, in love, in parenting, in work, in all aspects of my life.

I realized that in addition to setting my goals, I needed to perceive and believe that my goals were possible and attainable. I needed to intend for them to happen. And I began setting my intention for the week, right then and there. I would choose a word that would motivate me and inspire me to reach my goals and I believed in them.

During that first holiday season of the year I began setting intentions, I decided to choose one word that would guide me, push me and take me out of my comfort zone to set my intention for the following year. And you know what?

Incredible things happened!

In 2015, my intention word for the year was to believe. For the first time, ever, I chose to believe in myself, to trust in myself. Great things happened that year. Some I may not have understood at the time, but I know now they were for the greater good.

In 2016, my intention word for the year has been to leap. And boy have I done some leaping this year! But that’s another post entirely… 😉

As I am currently thinking about what my word for 2017 will be, I wanted to share 5 reasons why you should try setting an intention word every year.

5 Reasons Why You Should Set An Intention Word Every Year

  1. Motivation. Choose a word that will inspire and motivate you as navigate gate through each season of your life. The word will change throughout the years, but the purpose will remain to intend for good things to happen to you and yours. Sometimes, it will allow you to see a situation clearer and to make a better choice for the outcome you would like to happen.
  2. Gets you out of your comfort zone and allows for great things to happen. When we push ourselves and challenge ourselves, we get a true sense of what we are capable of and a huge boost to our confidence. Setting an intention word every year can help us make choices that take us out of our comfort zone.
  3. Help us to make long term improvements. Setting an intention word for the year will help you to make better choices in every aspect of your life. Each choice you are faced with, even the really scary ones, will be able to be answered when thinking about your intention word, what you want your year to look like, for even just a few minutes.
  4. Helps you be honest with yourself. When you set an intention word for your year, you want to really be honest and think about who you are and what your motivations are. Taking time to do this allows you to be honest with yourself and gives you the chance to choose a word that you intend to be/listen to during the new year.
  5. Starting with setting an intention word for the new year will empower you to begin better habits. Setting an intention word requires you to take time to look within yourself, at your whole self. When you choose a word, you are choosing a new way of perceiving things. This changes your daily habits to ones that you will specifically benefit and grow from.

Now, to begin my word search…!!!

What are your great reasons why you should set an intention word every year?

Malibu Mama Loves Xxx


Here on Conscious Straight Talk With Katie & Lindsey we talk more about it

Author: malibumamaloves

I am a conscious mama, a dv survivor, a conscious trauma informed life coach who has overcome trauma and helps others turn their pain into purpose in facing their unhealed traumas.

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