5 Conscious Foods to Say Yes To

5 Conscious Foods to Say Yes To

My awakening to conscious living and ultimately the completely different, healthy lifestyle I am living now, began with food. As many of you already know, it was when I got pregnant that I really started taking a good look into my health and what was around me. As I learned about how our bodies work and what foods are the best for my body, I became aware of how disconnected we have become from our food, just trusting whatever was on...

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5 Interesting Wine Facts You Never Knew

5 Interesting Wine Facts You Never Knew

I love a good bottle of wine! And let’s be honest here, a nice glass of wine at the end of the day helps us parents unwind a bit! However wine is complex, and there are lots of interesting wine facts I never knew. 😉 Recently, at a foodie event, I met a professional wine taster and a master sommelier who both totally schooled me on some interesting wine facts that I had never heard before. So in honor of National Wine Day, I am going...

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Treat Yourself Well 8 Steps to Conscious Living

Treat Yourself Well 8 Steps to Conscious Living

  Today is a great day!! Today I finally get to share with you everything I have been writing about and talking about for the last 2 years in one place!!! My book Treat Yourself Well – 8 Steps to Conscious Living is available as of Today on Amazon! And, as my gift to you for sticking with me on this journey, Treat Yourself Well – 8 Steps to Conscious Living is free for from May 18, 2016 until May 22, 2016 at midnight! I wanted to...

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Sun Defense Foods

Sun Defense Foods

Have you heard about Sun Defense Foods? I knew there were a couple of foods that carried the ability to protect us from the UV rays if we ate them, but I had no idea there were so many, or that science has been studying this for a while now! When WaxHead contacted me to review their organic, safe for our bodies and our oceans, sunscreen, I first checked out their website GoWaxHead.com and that is where I saw the Sun-Defense Foods...

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The Benefits of Boysenberries & Where To Get Them

The Benefits of Boysenberries & Where To Get Them

You know how I am always reminding you to be sure to sample the local foods when traveling, things that you cannot find anywhere else but right where you are at the moment? Well the Boysenberry is one of the local specialties in Buena Park, Southern California that you really don’t want to miss out on. Have you heard of the Boysenberry before? I had, but I never fully knew what they were until I saw that the Knott’s Berry Farm...

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My 3-Day Juice Cleanse Experience

My 3-Day Juice Cleanse Experience

  A few weeks ago, a friend of mine did a 3-day juice cleanse. She lost 7 lbs., felt amazing and loved the process. So I thought it would be a fun idea to try my own 3 day juice cleanse the week before my momcation. Honestly, I have been having a hard time bouncing back from the extra pounds that came with the holidays. I secretly hoped this would be just the thing to get me back on track and shed a couple of pounds while gaining...

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Conscious Food Cravings

Conscious Food Cravings

Ever wonder what your food cravings really mean? And why, when finally getting what we are craving, do we eat way too much of it and still want more? Usually, having a food craving is your brains way of signaling to you that it is lacking a certain nutrient. Food Cravings can also be activated by our environment and emotions. Research has shown that social situations (party food), visual cues, feelings and smells can all create food...

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Day 9 About Malibu #AboutMalibu

Day 9 About Malibu #AboutMalibu

  Day 9 About Malibu – The Malibu Farmers Market Each Sunday from 10am – 3pm, near the Malibu Courthouse and Library, local farmers and artisans gather to sell their goods. This is my favorite farmer’s market in the area. It has a laid back vibe with great vendors featuring jewelry, handmade baskets from Africa, fresh flowers, awesome prepared foods and juices and excellent produce. I always seem to find...

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Live Infinitely Infusion Water Bottle Review

Live Infinitely Infusion Water Bottle Review

It is a well-known fact that most people do not drink enough water to keep our bodies functioning at their maximum. I try to do my best to encourage my children to drink enough water by drinking enough myself so I am always on the lookout for ways to make water more fun. When Live Infinitely contacted me to review their Infusion Water Bottle, I had heard of water infusion, but was not really sure about it. So I agreed, figuring this...

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Healthy Travel Snack Ideas

Healthy Travel Snack Ideas

No matter how or where you are traveling, snacks are an important thing to pack. What we eat affects us in a big way; who wants to be feeling crappy from that questionable airplane or gas station food on a travel day? Not me! So I find it best to always pack our own travel snacks. Here are a few things that usually travel with us and give us the fuel we need to arrive happy and ready for adventure! Healthy Travel Snack Ideas #1: Fresh...

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