4 Reasons to Eat Seasonal, Fresh and Local and How

4 Reasons to Eat Seasonal, Fresh and Local and How

Eating fresh, seasonal and local seems to be the trend right now. Everyone is telling everyone to do it! It is funny that prior to the early 1900’s, it was common to base your meal plans around what foods were available within a short distance. I think it is fantastic that we are getting back to that. There are so many benefits from eating fresh fruit and veg when and where they are grown naturally. Nature provides for us better than...

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What is in Your Water?

What is in Your Water?

So strange to think that in this century, the 21st century, our water can be so contaminated. With everything we know. But it is. With things we don’t know about. Why is it important to drink water? 60% of our body is made up of water. Our body needs water to function, it is the miracle elixir that can sustain us. We can go for weeks without food, but only mere days without water. Through urination, sweating and breathing, each day we...

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Best Bread Recipe Ever

Best Bread Recipe Ever

Last year Santa bought me a bread machine. I had never considered making my own bread, I mean it is bread right? How could the stuff in the store be bad? So I thought I would stash it in a cabinet and take it out for special occasions. Until I took the time to read the ingredients for the store bought bread I was feeding my family with…. First, the list of ingredients is really long. Second, I could not even pronounce half of the...

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Powerful Parsley

Powerful Parsley

You know those little green flakes that seem to decorate every entrée in restaurants across the U.S. that many people try to avoid? It is actually an herb which packs a seriously powerful punch – Parsley! The most common types of parsley are curly parsley (bright green curly leaves and a more bitter taste) and Italian flat-leaf parsley (smooth, dark green, fragrant leaves) and they are not to be ignored! Parsley has been used...

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Wonderful Watermelons

Wonderful Watermelons

Watermelon is one of our families favorite summertime treats. Nothing tastes better than biting into a sticky, sweet, dark pink slice of watermelon on a hot summer’s day! So it was great news for us when I discovered just how beneficial watermelons are to our bodies. Nutritional facts of watermelons. Watermelons have been found to contain significant amounts of vitamin C, calcium, magnesium, fiber, protein, and a very large amount of...

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Probiotics Anyone?

Probiotics Anyone?

What are probiotics? Probiotics are live microorganisms which maintain the balance of bad and good bacteria in your digestive tract. Everyone has them! In fact, our digestive tracts (which makes up more than 70 percent of our immune system) are flooded with trillions of bacteria – all alive. There are over 100 strains of probiotics, with more being discovered almost daily. The root of the word probiotic comes from the Greek word pro,...

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Make Your Own Baby Food

Make Your Own Baby Food

Making baby food is so easy and is such a healthy alternative to the store bought jars/cans/pouches. With all the recalls, and factory foods these days, you just never know what you are going to get. This was not ok for me when it came time to introduce foods to my baby. Not only the nasty smells and possible recall at any time, but the preservatives and chemical additives some of them have… there was no way I was putting that into my...

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Omg… Is that GMO?

Omg… Is that GMO?

In it’s truest form ‘GMO (genetically modified organism) is an organism whose genetic material has been altered using genetic engineering techniques’ (1). Genetic modification involves the transfer of genes from one species of plant or animal to another, using techniques that can cause mutations in the genome that may have unintended consequences for the crop’s safety. FYI – this does not happen in nature. Then we eat it. 90% of corn...

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The Benefits Of Coconut Oil

The Benefits Of Coconut Oil

Not too long ago I had a visit with my brother. I asked him what he thought of Coconut Oil. “Isn’t that the oil that is really bad for you?” was his reply. NO!!!!! Ok, how could my brother not know about the benefits of coconut oil? The Tree Of Life So many people have been talking about coconut oil like it is this new health superfood. Well, yes and no. It is a ‘superfood’, it is amazing and does amazing things, but it is certainly...

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Why Make A Family Meal Plan

Why Make A Family Meal Plan

Let’s just face the fact and admit that making a family meal plan sucks. It is a real PITA (kid safe word for pain in the ass). However it is totally beneficial for families, especially ones trying to navigate around all of the processed foods that seem to be everywhere! Why do I make a family meal plan? Totally helps with time management (one less thing to think about during a busy week) Improves personal and family health by eating...

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