5 Things You Should Never Say To A Domestic Violence Victim
And 10 Things You Should Say To A Survivor Domestic violence affects 1 in 3 women and 1 in 4 men – we know it is a major problem in our society here in the USA. It is devastating, it is hurting our children and yet so many people are hesitant to talk about it. The common perception has been that what goes on behind closed doors is their business. When it looks messy, many want to help but have no idea what to say and become...
The Truth About Battered Women’s Syndrome – Part 2
Battered Women’s Syndrome is a very real trauma that many women suffer with. As you read in part 1, we are conditioned from years of a repeated 3 phase cycle of abuse that leaves us spinning, wondering what is real. Given that every 9 seconds a woman is beaten in the USA, it makes sense that Battered Women’s Syndrome (BWS) is a problem within our society and something we need to be talking about. So let’s keep the conversation going!...
The Truth About Battered Women’s Syndrome – Part 1
If you or someone you love, like me ????, have lived through some form of recuring abuse – either emotional or physical – than it is highly possible Battered Women’s Syndrome has touched your life. It has mine, every day. As much as I would love to say that it goes away – the fear, the memories, they never completely disappear. They may fade, but they are always there. The triggers are never far below the surface and it can all...
20 Unbelievable Facts About Domestic Violence
Domestic violence affects many more of us than we realize. In fact, it affects almost everyone at some point in their lives. There are so many unbelievable facts about domestic violence that it is heartbreaking. It affects me. It affects my children. It affects those around me. As asurvivor of domestic violence, as a healer for other victims and survivors, the best piece of advice I can give to you is to get educated on domestic...
How To Protect Your Mental Health During Covid Quarantine
We are several months into this pandemic quarantine so it is normal to be feeling worried, anxious and overwhelmed. I think we all do at moments. In the midst of managing this situation, we have been so focused on slowing the spread and figuring out new work routines and how to help our children with their educational needs that our mental health has been put on the back burner, slowly igniting… Domestic violence incidents are at an...
Domestic Violence Awareness Month During Covid Quarantine
October is domestic violence awareness month and as always we are going to be talking about domestic violence awareness all month! Because it is important to keep the conversation going, especially now during the Covid Quarantine – when domestic violence is at an all-time high. Domestic violence was already an epidemic before the Covid-19 quarantine and with this quarantine it has seen a tremendous spike in incidents of abuse,...
My Purple Tree – A Story of Projection
Something incredible has happened in our lives, in my life. And I have to share this story. 8 years ago when we relocated to Southern California from Rhode Island, I discovered the beautiful purple trees native to SoCal. I instantly wanted to live in a home with one. Our realtor at the time thought I was funny, but humored me and helped us look for one. I made a list of 3 houses and when we arrived back at her office to go through...
8 Ways A Home Garden Will Improve Your Health
Whether you live in a city apartment, a country condo, a house in the suburbs or a farm and anything in between, planting a home garden will improve your health. Gardening is not about making your living quarters look good (though curb appeal is always a plus), it is no longer just a hobby, nor is it just about growing things. An exorbitant amount of current scientific research shows us that caring for plants will do wonders for your...
Knowing How To Say No
Saying No is the hardest thing for me. There is the fear the person will not talk to me ever again, there is the possibility of hurting feelings, there is the option that I will miss another opportunity… so I always try to do it all. And then I fall. Hard. Because the fact is no one can do everything. We need to be realistic with our commitments. So I have been working on saying No… sometimes. It is important toknow when to say no and...
Mindful Breathing – What You Need To Know
Ever notice how when you get stressed, angry or are feeling anxious that you start breathing more rapidly and heavier? Which in turn causes your heart to flutter, your blood pressure to sore and your gut feels like it is literally trying to jump out of your body. This feeling is just awful. And when I found out that it is just a chemical reaction to our emotions and there is a way to control it… it changed my world!! Our physical...