The Benefits of Visiting A Himalayan Salt Room
Millions of years ago, continents collided causing an entire ocean bed to be pushed up into the Himalayan Mountains. The ocean dried up, but the salt remained. Though it is buried deep within the mountains, this special salt has some incredible powers. Himalayan Salt contains over 84 minerals that help promote health and wellness on many levels. I have written about the benefits of having Himalayan Salt Lamps in your home and office...
True Change
We live in an extraordinary time. A time of rapid change that reshapes the way we live, eat, think, work and raise our children on a daily basis. It is change that provides not only incredible medical and technological breakthroughs, but also economic advances and adversely, tensions. It provides education for girls and boys in even the most remote of locations broadening the possibility of good opportunities for all. True change...
What Does Being Thankful Really Mean?
With Thanksgiving right around the corner and being thankful right at the top of everyone’s mind, I thought it would be fun to talk about what being thankful really means, on a truly conscious level. Thanksgiving is a holiday in which we celebrate our dependence, our dependence upon each other and our communities to thrive, survive and exist. Because without each one of our unique skills that we can offer to others, something would be...
Dear Me
It’s the 3rd day of the BlogHer NaBloPoMo challenge where I will be posting every single day for the month of November (there is still time to join, if you’d like, just click the link above). The prompt today is: If you could be completely honest with no regrets, what would you say and to whom? Hmmm…. There are lots of people I would love to be honest with… But today I am going to be honest with myself, and hopefully not regret it…!!!...
Telling The Truth
Today’s prompt for the NaBloPoMo on BlogHer is: Nov. 2: When was the last time you did something brave? What happened? In my opinion, bravery comes in all different shapes and sizes. Being brave, to me, means having the courage to face something scary. To stand up and do what is right, no matter how much the situation frightens you. Many people think of bravery only in situations like saving someone’s life or standing up to the bully....
The Power Of Positive
November is one of my favorite months of the year for so many reasons. The first being that this is a great month to focus on all that we have to be thankful for in the spirit of American Thanksgiving this month and the upcoming holiday season. Let the Power of Positive begin! The second being that November is National Blog Posting Month where loads of bloggers pledge to post every day for the month of November. National Blog Posting...
Thank You!
Yes YOU! Thank YOU! Malibu Mama Loves® has been going thru some pretty big changes this summer and I want to thank everyone who have shown us so much conscious love! I am so excited to announce that, as of TODAY, Malibu Mama Loves® is back up and running and better than ever with a super exciting line-up of conscious single mama family travel posts, conscious beauty posts and conscious family living posts! It has been a roller-coaster...
How to Focus on the Positives
Let’s focus on the positives! I’ve always been a glass half full kinda girl, but even I have my moments where I can fall prey to those nasty negative thoughts. You know the kind. When you are going through a difficult season in life or you have taken a new risk and one small negative thought snowballs into an avalanche of pain and/or anger. The kind that can ruin entire days of our lives, if we let them, or effect situations...
The Most Conscious Place to Live
Recently, I met a person at an event who was curious about the whole conscious living concept. We had an interesting conversation and as I was making my exit, he said can I ask you one more question? Of course, I replied. “In your opinion,” he said, “where is the most conscious place in the world to live?” I smiled at him and said “why, right in your own home. How you live your life is up to you and is decided...
Treat Yourself Well 8 Steps to Conscious Living
Today is a great day!! Today I finally get to share with you everything I have been writing about and talking about for the last 2 years in one place!!! My book Treat Yourself Well – 8 Steps to Conscious Living is available as of Today on Amazon! And, as my gift to you for sticking with me on this journey, Treat Yourself Well – 8 Steps to Conscious Living is free for from May 18, 2016 until May 22, 2016 at midnight! I wanted to...