A Conscious Beauty Review On Esthetic Couture
You know I am always on the lookout for the next greatest conscious beauty hack that will make our lives easier and be all around beneficial. My schedule may be overflowing, but I still like to look and feel my best, right?! I’m so glad I cound Esthetic Couture… One thing I can never live without but does take a few minutes everyday is mascara. I’ve reviewed other mascaras before, I’ve admitted I’m never seen without it on...
My Experience With Moving The Human Spirit TICB Course
Recently I started on a new journey with Moving The Human Spirit in their Trauma Informed Coaching Basics (TICB) course. I have found it to be such an incredible, life-changing experience that I can not wait to take their Trauma Informed Coaching Certification course starting next week to get more in depth on trauma coaching. But first, I want to share my experience with this course with you. It was so packed with power and invaluable...
5 Reasons To Plan A Disney Date Night
I thought I was super cool coming up with a new thing last week creating a whole Disney Date night with my littles and The Secrets of Sulpher Springs… I talked about it all week getting excited for the next episode which aires on Disney Fridays at 8pm and is our Disney Date Night. Until the 12-year-old informed me mid-week, Mom that is a real thing that one person will take the person they like for a surprise to Disneyworld on a...
10 Things You Never Knew About Trauma And PTSD
In the spirit of keeping the Trauma Awareness alive, today I want to share 10 things I bet you never realized about trauma and PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder). Many think immediately of veterans or victims of horrible crimes when we hear these two words, but the sad reality is that trauma wears many hats and many times gets left untreated leading to PTSD which can turn into complex PTSD. It is reported that 70% of adults in the...
New On Disney Now – The Secret of Sulpher Springs
Every so often a show comes along that is sooo good I just have to share it! My kids are middle school age now so finding a show that we can all watch together is tricky. And hey, we all need a break from our hustle for a bit, right?!! So when Disney Channel PR contacted us to check out a new show, I was on the fence. But in the interest of finding something we can all enjoy, I decided to take a peak. I was able to download Disney Now...
The Importance Of Trauma Awareness
When we talk about trauma, most people’s minds go immediately to either physical trauma – breaks, bruises, bleeding or the severe emotional trauma of experiencing an incident or abuse; never realizing the very real and very nasty long-term effects of trauma has on ourselves (trust me, I’ve lived it!). It is one of those difficult topics that people shy away from, wanting to help but having no idea what to do. The unfortunate truth is...
What Is A Conscious Life Coach?
As the wellness industry continues to boom and we all begin to be more aware and enlightened, a newer role has emerged. That of a life coach. When you think about top athletes and their path to success, many attribute it to their coaches, right? Coaching has been around forever, and just as our favorite athletes need their coaches, so to do CEO’s, business executives, moms, dad, everyone really! But what exactly is this life coaching...
Calling All Coaches – Moving The Human Spirit Part 1
A couple of weeks ago I began the Trauma Informed Coaching Basics course with Moving The Human Spirit. It has been such an incredible, transformative experience, I have to share some of it with you! When I first agreed to take this course, I was really nervous. I already had very little time and I did not think I would be able to keep up juggling roles. Not to mention it had been years since I had done any official schooling, which...
Make 2021 The Year You Take A Self Love Retreat
2020 was such a long year, with so much change, for everyone. As we are learning to cope, adapt, and grow with all of these changes, self love becomes increasingly more important. It is an essential tool in our conscious living toolbox that needs to be kept sharp and ready. How I like to do that is with a self love retreat. Travel is incredibly healing on it’s own. Family travel has helped myself and my family heal and work through...
Juggling Roles
So now that I am continuing my education with movingthehumanspirit.com, momming 2 on my own and trying to keep up with running this business along with day-to-day life, I’m wondering if I can handle it all. And I know I’m not alone. We all juggle many different roles through the course of life, some seasons being far busier than others. I’m in a super busy season where I find myself juggling many roles. Trying to keep up with my kids...