Conscious Living with Lindsey in Malibu – 7-29-15
Join me on the beach in Malibu for a reminder and to see what is going on this week…
Wellness Retreat
Everyone loves to take a vacation. To get away from the daily grind for a while and switch gears into holiday mode. But you can only drink so many pretty little drinks with an umbrella, and sit on the beach or tour museums for only so long. And do you really feel refreshed afterwards? Or do you come back from that needing a vacation… from your vacation?! Instead, try going on a wellness retreat! What is a wellness retreat? A...
A Reminder
Last week I was reminded of a very difficult lesson. One that I have learned in the past, but life gets busy as a mom starting a business, this lesson got lost for a little while… I got a little lost. Last week a very special light in this world went out, unexpectedly. One that had brightened a few of my days when we were living back in Rhode Island and brought me smiles here in Malibu. One that had enriched the lives of many. She was...
Motorola Digital Video Baby Monitor Review
I have always been a big fan of Motorola products so when the new MBP854Connect Video Baby Monitor with Wi-Fi® Internet Viewing was released, I was excited they chose me to test it out. My kids are not babies anymore, but a video monitor still has a lot of uses for our family. This Motorola Video Baby Monitor comes with all of the bells and whistles to alleviate even the most nervous of new parents’ stress! I was most excited by the...
Fun Idea for Families in Santa Barbara
We recently visited the Santa Barbara Botanic Gardens. It was on our summer bucket list to get there and a place that I had been wanting to visit for a long time. The Santa Barbara Botanic Gardens are a living museum with over 78 acres boasting over 1,000 taxa of California native plants. This garden truly illustrates the remarkable diversity of California’s flora and vegetation. In order to keep the kids busy I came up with a...
9 Reasons Why Sex is Important
Our bodies are incredible, intricately woven machines of which we need to use every part in order to function optimally. Believe it or not, having sex (or lack thereof) greatly affects out body. Here are 9 Reasons to Have Sex Sex helps your immune system function. Seriously!! Studies have shown that people who have sex 2x a week have higher levels of a certain antibody and take fewer sick days compared to people who are not...
What Conscious Living Means to Me
Have you heard about this Conscious Living thing? I know I am just a mom… but I do practice conscious living on a level that works pretty well for my family and I want to share this gift. I find it is a peaceful way of living that brings true happiness to myself and my children – hopefully hubby too. So what exactly do I mean when I talk about conscious living? Here is what conscious living means to me Conscious Living means loving...
How to Create the Ideal Sleep Environment Vlog
9 Easy tips to help you create your ideal sleep environment: Malibu Mama Loves Xx
How to Create the Ideal Sleep Environment
Considering we spend 1/3 of our lives asleep, I would say our sleep environment – our bedrooms – are pretty important. I have shared some tips on how to get more sleep, and on which is the best sleep pose for you. Today, we are going to go more in-depth on how to create your ideal sleep environment! 9 Simple Tips on How to Create the Ideal Sleep Environment Tip #1 on How to Create the Ideal Sleep Environment Choose a calming, relaxing...
Conscious Living with Lindsey in Malibu 7-6-15
Good Morning from this lovely beach here in Malibu! I hope you have a peaceful and productive day! Malibu Mama Loves Xx