A Summer Bucket List

A Summer Bucket List

  Every year during the last week of school we pick a night and after dinner, together, we make our summer bucket list. We get a pen and a notebook. We take turns saying something that we want to do this summer. This year we decided to make a poster board out of it. So after we made out the list, the kids and I sat down and made the above poster complete with check boxes so everyone can check off things as we do them. This lovely...

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Conscious Living with Lindsey in Malibu

Conscious Living with Lindsey in Malibu

Good Morning from Malibu! Today we are talking about sleep! Find out what is actually going on while you sleep and learn some simple tips to help you get the sleep that you need! Malibu Mama Loves Xx

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Conscious Living with Lindsey in Malibu

Conscious Living with Lindsey in Malibu

Good morning friends! Here are some simple tips for you on your journey to becoming a conscious beauty! Good Morning from Malibu Have a wonderful day! Malibu Mama Loves Xx

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Which Sleep Pose Is Right For You?

Which Sleep Pose Is Right For You?

Did you know that the way you are sleeping could be the cause of back, neck and joint pain, wrinkles, tummy problems and more? Today we are going to break down the different sleep poses and the pros and cons of each! Sleep Pose #1: Back Sleep This is supposed to be one of the best ways for our bodies to rest, however less than 14% of us are back sleepers! Pros of Back Sleep: Best position for our head, neck and spine to align in Keeps...

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How to Naturally Treat a Bee Sting

How to Naturally Treat a Bee Sting

Bees are a vital to our earth and offer many health benefits to us. Not only do they keep Mother Nature balanced and working, but they produce honey that keeps us healthy! So it is important to learn how to get along with them. Live and let live is the conscious living way, however sometimes we can collide. And when that happens, there are usually tears and pain involved! There are so many myths as to what really works. By this point...

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Pinot’s Palette in Westlake

Pinot’s Palette in Westlake

Whether you are after a super fun date night, a moms/dads night out, or an inspired night out solo Pinot’s Palette in Westlake is the place for you! I have taken my children to try a similar type of art class but I had never tried one myself. So when they invited me to their Media Soft Opening night I was super excited to try it out, trusting that the wine would help guide my brush! Pinot’s Palette is a nationally franchised business...

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5 Easy Ways to Get the Kids Involved in Your Family Summer Travel Planning

5 Easy Ways to Get the Kids Involved in Your Family Summer Travel Planning

The passage of time is ever speeding up and it seems that summer is upon us yet again. As the last day of school draws ever closer, it is time to start planning which summer camps, vacations and friends to visit this season. My kiddos are getting older and I think it is high time that they start to learn and be involved in the planning aspect of traveling. Here are 5 Easy Ways to get the kids involved in your family summer travel...

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3 Easy Ways to Raise Conscious Children

3 Easy Ways to Raise Conscious Children

Sometimes I worry that by providing my children with a ‘comfortable’ life they are becoming self-centered. We get so caught up in which snack they want, which show they want to watch, homework, playdates, getting to the right sports practice, on time, so they can win the upcoming weekends game… and on and on it goes. So, in order to keep it real I do what I can to be conscious and share consciousness with my children at every...

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My Conscious Beauty #Ever30Challenge

My Conscious Beauty #Ever30Challenge

To be a conscious beauty is simply to awaken. To wake up and realize what is really going on with our bodies and our world, to be aware of what happens because of our actions. My journey to becoming a conscious beauty has been incredible. At first it was scary and I was so thankful to be alive once I discovered the truth about a lot of the foods we eat and products we use. But instead of panicking, I researched, learned, and made the...

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5 Last-Minute Memorial Day Weekend Travel Ideas

5 Last-Minute Memorial Day Weekend Travel Ideas

Memorial Day Weekend marks the beginning of summer for most people. There are so many great ways to spend this 3 day weekend, why not do something different this year? Plan a last-minute getaway for your family this Memorial Day Weekend and start this summer off with a family adventure! With so many resorts offering great package deals and specials for Memorial Day Weekend and cheaper rates than last year, the time is right! Here are...

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