Benefits of a Himalayan Salt Lamp

Benefits of a Himalayan Salt Lamp

Long, long ago, millions of years actually, continents collided forcing the ocean beds high into the Himalayan Mountains. The salt from those ocean beds still remains buried deep inside of the mountains today and boy do they have some super powers. What is a Himalayan Salt Lamp? A Himalayan Salt Lamp is a large piece of pure Himalayan Salt with a space on the bottom big enough for a small light bulb to fit inside. They can come as a...

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12 Weeks to a Flawless Fanny – Week 5

12 Weeks to a Flawless Fanny – Week 5

Join us on the beach in Malibu today for an awesome workout. Let the gorgeous weather and location motivate you to get that fanny flawless! Even if you are traveling this holiday season, these exercises are easy and are meant to be done anywhere you are! If this is your first time with us, start here with the first workout! If you have been with us from the start, please continue to check with a doctor as to if these exercises are...

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Trendy #GiftIdeas for Kids

It is hard to believe that Santa will be making his journey in just a couple of days!! Every year it is a challenge to find the perfect gift for my children. In case you have not yet either, there is still time to order from amazon! Here are a few of our fave picks for Christmas 2014. Happy Holidays! Malibu Mama Loves Xx

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How to Raise Polite Children

How to Raise Polite Children

The Holiday Season is a time for sharing, caring and social gatherings. Obnoxious, rude children can ruin even the best of occasions. When you do not instill the value of being kind and courteous to others in your children, you are ultimately alienating them from society. The repercussions of hateful behavior will interfere with every aspect of their lives; from getting crossed off the invite list for school events and parties, to...

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Holiday Shopping for Kids Tip!

Holiday Shopping for Kids Tip!

Holiday shopping has become an art form. Finding that perfect gift for your child, who already has everything, within your budget is a mission of its own kind!! A friend of mine shared with me her plan to find the perfect gifts for her children and I was so impressed with it, I knew I had to share it with you! Her big secret to make holiday shopping easy? Each season, she and her mate plan a date night to have dinner early in...

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12 Weeks to a Flawless Fanny – Week 4

12 Weeks to a Flawless Fanny – Week 4

With monsoons on our weather forecast, we are back to workout inside this week. The Spot in Westlake has taken us in for our 4th week of the 12 Weeks to a Flawless Fanny. Thanks to all of the trainer’s at The Spot, Aime The Butt Babe included, we have a dry place to workout! I am really proud of you for continuing on this journey with me! Weeks 1, 2 & 3 have been great and I am already starting to see some results. Again,...

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5 Tips for Holiday Travel

5 Tips for Holiday Travel

I always look forward to heading home for the holidays. Even though that means battling EVERYONE else heading home for the holidays! I’m a few years into this holiday travel thing and have figured out how to make it really not so bad! Here are 5 Tips for Holiday Travel 1st Tip for Holiday Travel Avoid it if you can! It is cheaper and usually easier to fly a few days before school lets out and to return a day after school is back in...

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12 Weeks to a Flawless Fanny – Week 3

12 Weeks to a Flawless Fanny – Week 3

We lucked out and had a gorgeous day in Malibu today! We are able to shoot our workout out here on the cliffs in #Malibu! The ocean waves make a great background as we find out what the Week 3 Exercises are. If you missed weeks 1 and 2 that’s ok. Head over and start there! Again, please make sure you check with a doctor as to if this workout is safe for you. Not every exercise works for every person! Also don’t forget to stretch both...

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‘Let It Snow’ at The Four Seasons Westlake

‘Let It Snow’ at The Four Seasons Westlake

A Fun Family Outing This year, we kicked off our Holiday Season at the Four Seasons Westlake ‘Let It Snow’ Event; it was quite a magical night! We started off the evening with two elves reading stories by the fire in a room beautifully decorated for the holidays. It was cozy and fun! The elves finished and sent us outside to see the snow and meet Santa! As we passed through the doors it was like walking into a Holiday Town! Snow was...

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Let It Snow at the Four Seasons Westlake!

Let It Snow at the Four Seasons Westlake!

The sun is just starting to make an appearance here in Malibu today! However, the forecast is for snow tomorrow!! Snow, in Southern California? Yup! The Four Seasons Westlake is kicking off their Let It Snow event with a bang tomorrow and we are so excited to be going to see snow in Southern California! This year, The Four Seasons Westlake is starting off the Let It Snow Experience with an Elf Story time at 4:30pm. Then they have a...

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