The Secret to Prevent Head Lice
It is hard to believe that the summer is already over! The first day of school has come. So, too, has the dread of all of the ‘fun’ little bacteria’s and such that will come close to our loved ones! One of the most irritating being head lice. Everyone dread’s that letter coming home, you know the one – we have all gotten it at some time! ‘We regret to inform you that there is a child in the classroom with a case of head lice….’ Ugh…....
Best Bread Recipe Ever
Last year Santa bought me a bread machine. I had never considered making my own bread, I mean it is bread right? How could the stuff in the store be bad? So I thought I would stash it in a cabinet and take it out for special occasions. Until I took the time to read the ingredients for the store bought bread I was feeding my family with…. First, the list of ingredients is really long. Second, I could not even pronounce half of the...
Treat Yourself Well – 8 Steps to Better Living
his edition is no longer available. Click here to get my newest informational eBook on Kindle – Treat Yourself Well 8 Steps to Conscious Living Life comes at you fast and hard, even more so once you have made the choice to start a family. As rewarding and amazing as raising children can be, it is equally challenging and frustrating. My 8 Steps to Better Living can help. It is easy to fall into unhealthy routines and to ignore...
Powerful Parsley
You know those little green flakes that seem to decorate every entrée in restaurants across the U.S. that many people try to avoid? It is actually an herb which packs a seriously powerful punch – Parsley! The most common types of parsley are curly parsley (bright green curly leaves and a more bitter taste) and Italian flat-leaf parsley (smooth, dark green, fragrant leaves) and they are not to be ignored! Parsley has been used...
Wonderful Watermelons
Watermelon is one of our families favorite summertime treats. Nothing tastes better than biting into a sticky, sweet, dark pink slice of watermelon on a hot summer’s day! So it was great news for us when I discovered just how beneficial watermelons are to our bodies. Nutritional facts of watermelons. Watermelons have been found to contain significant amounts of vitamin C, calcium, magnesium, fiber, protein, and a very large amount of...
Beat The Heat – How To Prevent and Treat A Sunburn
With summer in full swing, so too is the potential for a sunburn. While we know spending time outside is vital for our well-being, getting a sunburn doing it is not! It is important to take the necessary precautions for being outside, whether on holiday someplace tropical or out in your backyard in the summer months. Why Time in the Sun is Important At the center of our solar system sits the sun. The sun brings life and energy to...
5 Simple Steps for Keeping Your House Clean
I love nothing more than to come home to a sparkling clean house at the end of a long day. Unfortunately, my children and husband can make keeping the house sparkling quite a challenge! Obviously, the best idea would be to hire a cleaning company to come in weekly, but if that is not in the budget quite yet, I have a few tips on keeping your house clean. Most people, myself included, hate to clean but love to live in a clean...
7 Tips to Reduce EMFs
What are EMFs? Electric and magnetic fields (EMFs) are invisible lines of force that surround any plugged in or wireless electrical device. EMFs are made up of waves of electric and magnetic energy radiating (moving together) through space. Electric fields are produced by electric charges and magnetic fields are produced by the flow of current through wires or electrical devices. The Most Common Sources Emitting EMFs Power lines Wi-Fi...
4 Tips to Get Sleep
It is hard to get the sleep your body requires with today’s fast paced life-style. Studies are showing that sleep is super important for our bodies yet most of us do not get enough of it. Whether you struggle with falling asleep, staying asleep or carving out enough time for sleep – it simply cannot be ignored. Lack of Sleep = Stress on the Body = Physical Problems Physical Problems Caused by Not Getting Enough Sleep By not letting...
Minecraft Meltdown
Have you heard of the video game Minecraft? My Canadian friend’s son introduced it to my son and he has been addicted ever since. What is Minecraft? Minecraft is a video game about creating your own world. You have to mine things and then use them to build what you would like to build. It was originally released in 2011 by Swedish video game programmer Marcus Persson. It was an immediate success and became a mainstream game by 2012....