Tips for Kids on an Airplane
The reality of the situation is this – NO ONE is thrilled to see children board a plane, especially ones under the age of 8! People will do what they can to move away from you, they will glare at you disapprovingly because of ANYTHING your child does – they may even give you a piece of their mind (because every parent needs to be told exactly what they are doing wrong whilst doing it….), or at the very least they will complain...
Tips for a Long Car Trip with Kids
Tips to Survive Long Car Trips with Kids Most people groan at the idea of kids in the car. But it can be quite fun! This is such an amazing world, we should all take every opportunity to check it out AND share it with our children. Whether you have to drive for 6 hours with two toddlers for that distant cousins wedding or you are just feeling adventurous with your elementary schoolers, follow even just some of my tips and you...