Hello 2017, Goodbye 2016

Hello 2017, Goodbye 2016

hello 2017 goodbye 2016

What a crazy, roller coaster of a year 2016 was. Yet still, I’m sad to see it go.

My family and I experienced some extreme changes during 2016, as many of us have. 2016 seemed a tumultuous year on several levels, not only in our homes but within our nation as well.

The end of 2016 brought my children and I to a new home as we begin our adventures within our new family structure. We have been quietly getting moved in, settled and making new travel plans for this very exciting new year.

An important part of getting settled and preparing for a new year is to pick an intention word and make a list of 5 things we would like to work on throughout the new year. I do a personal one and I involve the children and we pick a family one.

Last January, I set my intention word as Leap for the year. Meaning I would leap and take every opportunity, no matter how scary, to grow.

And boy did I do that…

Beginning with a leap into planning lots of family travel trips. I was blessed to meet so many amazing people every time I leaped into something new and connected with all of you awesome families who support this website. It has been such an honor and a blessing to meet everyone that I have so far.

I leaped with my writing and took chances I never thought I would.

I then leaped to break the cycle of abuse that was going on within my own family. This was the scariest, most difficult leap of all. But I leaped…

I continue to leap as I have had to make new living decisions for my children and myself, work decisions, school decisions, friend decisions, etc…

And now it is time for a new year and a new intention word & wish list for 2017! Because I know this year will bring all kinds of love, happiness and joy to each and every one of us.

Setting resolutions and intentions for the new year is a great way to stay on track to becoming the best you possible. It is something that I look forward to doing each year. Choosing one word to help guide us in daily decision making, or to inspire us when we feel confused or lost, truly does help keep us focused.

Here is how I set intentions and resolutions for the New Year

  1. I meditate for a bit on what makes me happy versus what makes me upset. I think deep and intensely about myself and my family to make sure my head is in the right place.
  2. I keep in mind that my ultimate goal is to leave this world behind a better place than when I came into it.
  3. I consider what I need to do to be a better person as I continue to grow.
  4. I talk to the kids about it. It is a great time to explain and inspire them to set some personal goals and even set some family goals together.
  5. I then choose one word that I think will guide me with a general intention for the whole year.

The first year I did it, I chose the word believe. I had decided to believe in myself, something I had never done before. And amazing things happened that year.

The second year, I chose the word leap. I had decided to leap and do things that scared me but really helped me to grow into a better person. And incredible things happened that year too.

This year, I choose the word trust. I am going to trust myself, my choices and decisions, and those that I love to be right for me, for my family.

Trusting is very hard for me, it is not something I have ever been good at. So this year, I am going to work at it not only because it has been suggested by science and research just how good trust is for you and for society as a whole, but because it is something that I would like to be better at as I grow.

Research has shown that generalized trust – trusting ourselves and members of society generally, is linked to higher reports of people experiencing health and happiness. Research also shows “countries with citizens who place greater trust in one another have more efficient public institutions and experience higher rates of economic growth.” Trust is a sign of true intelligence.

So my intention word this year is Trust. Here are my 5 Realistic 2017 New Year’s Resolutions

  1. In 2017, I will continue smiling at least 10 times a day, randomly or not… ‘cuz I love it!
  2. In 2017, I will be better about keeping in touch (umm, ok – answering my phone, actually even just keeping my phone charged and with me…) with loved family and friends. 😉 😉 (I promise!)
  3. In 2017, I will trust myself to make good choices.
  4. In 2017, I will take my children to 2 different countries… maybe 3… 😉
  5. In 2017, I will appreciate everything life has blessed me with. I will do what I can to pay it forward and to teach my children to do the same.

This year, I challenge you to not only think about setting intentions for your new year, but writing them down. There is no time limit or right or wrong time to set intentions and goals. So take a few minutes, think about it and write it down. This will help you to hold yourself accountable, it works wonders for me!

Cheers to 2017, let’s make this the best year yet! I’m so glad you are on this journey with me!

Malibu Mama Loves Xx


Author: malibumamaloves

I am a conscious mama, a dv survivor, a conscious trauma informed life coach who has overcome trauma and helps others turn their pain into purpose in facing their unhealed traumas.

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