Malibu Honey

Malibu Honey

malibu honey

While I do not claim to be an expert in the area of honey, I have done a bit of research on the topic.

I have written about Manuka Honey from New Zealand, which I love.

In addition, raw, local honey has many benefits. On a recent trip to Vintage Grocers in Malibu I discovered Malibu Honey and had to buy some to try.

I was amazed at how good Malibu Honey is.

The Benefits of Local, Raw Malibu Honey

It is a little known fact that the pasteurized honey that comes in the cute little bears from the giant grocery store can be as harmful as consuming refined sugar!

Raw honey has not been pasteurized, heated or processed in any way allowing it to retain all of its valuable benefits. Raw honey contains minerals, vitamins, enzymes, powerful antioxidants and has anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-fungal properties.

Local raw honey has pollen that is specific to your area and therefore can be a big help in calming those local seasonal allergies.

Here is what raw local Malibu honey can do:

  1. Helps our digestion process
  2. Boosts our memory
  3. Strengthens our immune system
  4. Eliminates seasonal allergies
  5. Stabilizes our blood pressure
  6. Balances our blood sugar
  7. Calms our nerves
  8. Relieves pain – try rubbing a little Malibu Honey mixed with wheat germ oil on a skin burn
  9. Treats ulcers
  10. Relieves and treats sore throats – take a spoonful at first sign of sore throat if you are older than 2yrs
  11. Helps us kick a cold faster

Malibu Honey does not use any chemical treatments in their hives and the honey is not processed or pasteurized in any way. Their bees gather nectar from the flowers in the Santa Monica and San Gabriel Mountains right here in Malibu! It then goes straight from the comb to the jar.

My fave way to eat Malibu Honey

Malibu honey mixed with some Greek yogurt, as pictured above! Yum!

This mix does so much good for our bodies! The local raw Malibu Honey has a clear, dark amber appearance and has a nice smooth consistency. The taste is divine.

A Cool Malibu Honey Fact

They run an Adopt A Bee program where you can donate money to support a family hosting bees in their yard to help raise the declining bee population – which is a serious problem. What a great idea!

Malibu Honey is Pretty Sweet all around!

Malibu Mama Loves Xx

Author: malibumamaloves

I am a conscious mama, a dv survivor, a conscious trauma informed life coach who has overcome trauma and helps others turn their pain into purpose in facing their unhealed traumas.

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  1. Manuka Honey for Healing - MALIBU MAMA LOVES - […] Honey has been used for thousands of years to treat multiple conditions. It wasn’t until the late 19th century…

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