12 Weeks to a Flawless Fanny – Week 4

12 Weeks to a Flawless Fanny – Week 4

the butt babe

With monsoons on our weather forecast, we are back to workout inside this week. The Spot in Westlake has taken us in for our 4th week of the 12 Weeks to a Flawless Fanny. Thanks to all of the trainer’s at The Spot, Aime The Butt Babe included, we have a dry place to workout!

I am really proud of you for continuing on this journey with me! Weeks 1, 2 & 3 have been great and I am already starting to see some results.

Again, please make sure you check with a doctor as to if these exercises are safe for you. Not every exercise works for every person!

Also don’t forget to stretch both before and after the workout!

Drink plenty of water at any time to stay nice and hydrated.

Remember we are to do 15 reps of each exercise, one after the other. We will then repeat the circuit for a total of 4 cycles. Here we go!

This weeks workout:

Squats with weight – You can use a kettle bell, a container of laundry detergent, a baby, even just a couple of cans of beans for weights. Stand with feet shoulder width apart. Slowly lower and then rise, really feel that burn. Breathe, do 15 of these.

Step ups with weight – You can use dumbbells, cans or even a towel rolled up, one in each hand. Use a step, turn a bucket upside down or use the curb outside to step up and kick the lower leg out the back for 15 counts. The switch sides and do 15 more.

Reverse lunges – These were cool. Do them on a slippery floor against a wall for balance. Put a piece of wax paper under your back foot and slide back down into a full lunge position, then back up. Breathe. Repeat 15 of these for each side.

Straight leg dead lifts – Grab those weights again, the lighter ones for each hand. Slowly bend down until you feel the pull in your hamstring.  Raise up slowly, using those hamstrings to lift. Repeat 15 times.

Grab some water and do 3 more cycles! Don’t forget to stretch when you are done with your workout. Try to reward your body with a nice detox bath at some point this week! There is a great recipe in my post on Nasty Toxins.

Food Challenge – I am going to focus on Almonds and walnuts this week and try to work them in more.

Motivation – By keeping up with this, I can eat a few more treats at the holiday parties I attend without feeling guilty! So can you!!

Have a great day!

Malibu Mama Loves Xx


Author: malibumamaloves

I am a conscious mama, a dv survivor, a conscious trauma informed life coach who has overcome trauma and helps others turn their pain into purpose in facing their unhealed traumas.

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