The Conscious Living Lifestyle


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conscious living


Hi You! I am so glad you have found me in this crazy world! There is a rationale for everything; coincidences are God’s way of staying anonymous according to Albert Einstein – so there definitely is a reason you are here, a reason we are connecting, a conscious path for us to walk together. I’m excited to learn all about you! A little about me…

Malibu Mama Loves® was born on the beach in Malibu in 2014 to inspire families to live a more conscious lifestyle, to heal unhealed trauma, to travel more and to appreciate life through a conscious trauma informed lens.

I was married then, life was oh so different. I thought I was being the perfect wife and mother, fooling everyone, but behind the scenes, life was quite different. When I came out of that darkness, I stepped into a strobe light of cptsd, battered women’s syndrome and depression that took me to emotional places I never thought I could go. I continued to be a great mom to my children, but I made many blind decisions in my personal life that really held me back. I isolated and cried a lot. And suddenly, I was 42, starting over from scratch again with nothing but two healthy, amazing children, 3500+ miles away from my family, feeling blessed just to be awake again. I earned my certification in trauma informed life coaching and have created a way to help others heal.

The New Conscious Living Life

Oh the lessons I have learned, the tales I now have to tell, the wisdom I have gained to share…

Like the time I thought I would be really cool and I went to get a tea and do some writing work at a local coffee shop, like you see so many people do. I get all set up, I have my tea, I found a table with an outlet, I turned on my computer and the loudest fire alarm erupted out of my machine… The whole place turned to look at me with horrified looks on their faces. At first I thought I was being hacked and panicked, embarrassed. I quickly shut down and started looking around me, as one does, and then thought that was silly. So I started it again, same alarm!! The whole place looked at me again and went silent. I started saying I was sorry and ran out of there as fast as I could, red cheeked, to the geek squad, who told me my hard drive crashed. And I didn’t feel very cool anymore! I laugh about it now, but I have yet to brave another coffee shop work experience lol!!

Malibu Mama Loves® was born to inspire families and has grown into a safe place to share information and keep the conversation going because that is how we can bring about change. We all make mistakes, we all have various forms of trauma, it is important to know that it is ok.  When I am working with clients, we always begin with awareness exercises. It is so imperative to know yourself, I have learned this the hard way…

I have spent many years healing from deep traumas, raising children, researching intensely, trying various methods of parenting and healthy lifestyles to then start all over again learning to do this in a one parent household. I have overcome depression and serious traumas, then I trained in how to coach others to healing to finally have created a Conscious Living Lifestyle for families of all kinds that really works. This lifestyle has empowered my family to live the healthiest, happiest life possible and has put us on the path to thrive as we survive in this new world.

Because the truth is that the conscious living lifestyle can be lived absolutely anywhere, it is simply a matter of the choices we make each and every day. Starting with the choice to be aware of our own traumas and to heal them.

Malibu Mama Loves® is a place where I can share the conscious living lifestyle for all kinds of families with you while encouraging you to keep the conversation going, even about the hard things. Here you will find great tips and tricks on raising conscious kids; family travel; the power of positivity/laws of attraction; conscious mental health tips and information; domestic violence awareness and many other conscious lifestyle hacks.

Malibu Mama Loves® is all about Sharing ideas, Exploring life, and Awakening together on our journey. I do add some affiliate links in and I thank you in advance for clicking on them and helping to keep this blog running. They are some of my favorite places to shop and are products I really believe in!

As a conscious trauma informed life coach, a published author and an influencer who shares her real-life experiences, I have been helping parents take back their power by first healing then making conscious choices for years. My methods have helped many and were designed from my process to healing, taking me from the depths of depression to living a consistent, sustainable, happy, healthy, inspired life.

Being happy and productive is completely possible! You deserve it, we all do.

I truly believe that together, we can be the change this world needs because true change, my friends, is only going to come from within our homes, which starts with us.

Please check out my e-book Treat Yourself Well, 8 Steps to Conscious Living. This is my beginner’s guide to taking control of your life and will help you to find some happiness – even as an exhausted parent! These easy changes will help you begin to transform your life into what you want it to be. They are very simple things you can start doing today and be reaping the benefits by tomorrow. You can find it here on Amazon. and is a great first step to getting on the conscious path.

Let’s Work Together To Share Conscious Living

I would love to work together to get you on the path to conscious success. Contact me and let’s talk.

Interested in advertising here or working together to share your brands message? Contact me and request the Malibu Mama Loves® Media Kit with a free estimate on your project!

Be sure to visit me on Google+, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Tumblr, Instagram and Pinterest so we can stay connected!

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Malibu Mama Loves Xx


