Make 2021 The Year You Take A Self Love Retreat

Make 2021 The Year You Take A Self Love Retreat


2020 was such a long year, with so much change, for everyone.  As we are learning to cope, adapt, and grow with all of these changes, self love becomes increasingly more important. It is an essential tool in our conscious living toolbox that needs to be kept sharp and ready.

How I like to do that is with a self love retreat. Travel is incredibly healing on it’s own. Family travel has helped myself and my family heal and work through some major life changes. Taking a retreat, carving out a set amount of time to focus on yourself and step outside your comfort zone, can be just the refresher you didn’t realize you really need.

What is A Self Love Retreat

A self love retreat is committing to a certain amount of time to visit someplace new with a focus on relaxing, rejuvenating, meditating, reviewing your habits, making shifts as needed, eating healthy and exercising. Instead of spending the entire time exploring the new location, you carve out intentional time to explore yourself.

This will look different for each of us, depending upon our unique needs. 2021 may have some new travel restrictions we must get used to, but with technology today, each of us can find and customize a self love retreat that works for us. Where there is a will, there is a way (have I said that before…????).

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6 Reasons To Take A Self Love Retreat In 2021

  1. It is a journey to explore yourself. Taking a retreat is like hitting the pause button in your life while you change channels for a small period of time. It lets you take the time to review yourself, your wants, your actions and helps you get (back) to your true authentic self.
  2. A retreat can be a transformative time. When you change channels, you are stepping away from your comfort zone and into the unknown, opening your mind to new possibilities and truths. It can be scary to take the leap, but isn’t it within our fears that deep transformation can occur?
  3. Retreats give you time to recognize your true passions. As you dive into yourself, you start to acknowledge or even discover what you are passionate about, what you feel your purpose is. Awakening your creative flow is something retreats are known to do!
  4. Hang out / find your tribe. As you slow down, breathe, and transform with a group on retreat, whether they are friends you booked the trip with or complete strangers, a bond forms that will last a lifetime.
  5. Become your own best friend by showing yourself you are worth this important act of self love. Show yourself you are worth a lot of love by spoiling yourself ad doing something you and only you have wanted to do. Much in the way talking to yourself positively helps keep you in a positive mindset, taking yourself on a journey and carving out intentional time for yourself helps you reach your goals.
  6. A retreat is a long-term investment in yourself. Think of it like insurance, it’s dividends will pay off all year long in emotional and physical well-being as you are happier, bringing happiness to those around you!!

Are you in? Join me in the comments with sharing your favorite retreat locations!

Cheers and Safe Travels!



Author: malibumamaloves

I am a conscious mama, a dv survivor, a conscious trauma informed life coach who has overcome trauma and helps others turn their pain into purpose in facing their unhealed traumas.

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