Conscious Parenting: 10 Conscious Parenting Hacks Every Parent Should Know

Conscious Parenting: 10 Conscious Parenting Hacks Every Parent Should Know

Raising the next generation is one of the biggest challenges each and every parent faces. There are so many choices, so many situations that catch us by surprise, so many little moments lost in our frustration to do it all just right – trying to be perfect, to raise perfect, to seem perfect. I know I was caught in that mindset for a while. I can’t tell you how many times the phrase “I wish someone had told me” was uttered under my...

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My 2018 Power Word of Intention for Motivation

My 2018 Power Word of Intention for Motivation

Many of us take time during our busy holidays to reflect, think about the year past and begin to identify what we would like to do differently in the year to come. We set goals, we consider our intentions, we make resolutions and then we stick to them for about a… month or so… We may journal about it, or write down a long list that let’s be honest, we will probably never look at again or just make a mental note on lots of things that...

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Conscious Living Vlog: A Brandless Unboxing

Conscious Living Vlog: A Brandless Unboxing

Tired of paying more for things just because of the name it carries or that it is organic? A lot of us are. Enter Brandless. A company who strives to give everyone access to goodness – from fair trade, to non GMO to clean beauty. They are a conscious company with an inexpensive membership program ($36 a year) allowing participants to buy anything for just $3 each, anything. And they have a huuuuggggeee selection of everyday...

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7 Signs That Show You Are A Great Mom

7 Signs That Show You Are A Great Mom

Let’s be honest, being a mom can be confusing, challenging, frustrating and exhausting. Most of us are so tired we feel like we are getting it all wrong. Raising the next generation is a very special task, one that most parents are constantly questioning themselves on whether they made the right choices for their child or not. We all have doubt, it is human nature. But when that doubt sets in, we need to be strong. We need to realize...

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How Domestic Violence Affects Us All

How Domestic Violence Affects Us All

When I came Out Of The Darkness And Into The Light, I looked around and I realized that I was not alone. I was now part of a large group of people as domestic violence affects 1 in 3 women and 1 in 4 men. On average, 24 people per minute are harmed by domestic violence here in the USA. (1) We are not alone. And we will not be sad anymore. We are survivors. We are strong. We are honest. I realized I had not done as great a job at...

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9 Tips On How To Consciously Talk To Your Kids About Divorce

9 Tips On How To Consciously Talk To Your Kids About Divorce

The ever dreaded conversation… It was one of the scariest and yet best conversations of my life. Everyone’s situation is different, but the bottom line is none of us want to disappoint our children by telling them we are getting divorced. So when the time arises to come clean and tell the kids what has been going on, it can be very daunting. In my situation, I didn’t have a choice. We didn’t know if there would be a tomorrow, we had...

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Conscious Living: 5 Easy Ways to Make More Time Now

Conscious Living: 5 Easy Ways to Make More Time Now

Time is our most precious asset, second only to our health. What we do with our time is, at the end of the day, truly up to us. Then why do so many of us feel like we don’t ever have enough time or that there is just so much to do looming over our heads in the future that we can’t even take a second to be in the present? I know I feel both of these. I procrastinate little things like getting gas (literally until the light has been on...

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Deborah Kagan – The Mojo In You. Ignited.™

Deborah Kagan – The Mojo In You. Ignited.™

Have you heard of this amazing woman – Deborah Kagan? Do you know what your mojo is? Do you know you already have it?! You do – read on to learn more! How We Met I met Deborah in a very unusual, interesting way. I was working with the fabulous photographer Janet Barnett Lifestyles Photography last May who was talking about a weekend ‘Rock Your Mojo’ seminar she was thinking of attending in the fall and that it might be a great...

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Reiki Energy Healing

Reiki Energy Healing

I’m sure you have heard about Reiki Energy Healing. Everyone is talking about, I love it, everyone is trying it, but what really is it? What is Reiki Energy Healing? Reiki Energy Healing is a way to tune-up your energy to bring your body to it’s healthiest form allowing for true healing to take place. It is a form of energy healing that can bring powerful help to physical, emotional, mental and spiritual stressors. Reiki is a gentle...

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8 Reasons to Book a Photo Shoot with Janet Barnett Lifestyles Photography

8 Reasons to Book a Photo Shoot with Janet Barnett Lifestyles Photography

Remember my Behind The Scenes post? Janet Barnett Lifestyles Photography is responsible for giving me the confidence to share that. She also was the motivator behind my Out of the Darkness and Into the Light post. Janet is far more than just a lifestyle photographer. She is a conscious human being who cares and has an incredible gift. But I’m getting ahead of myself here! Janet Barnett has been a photographer for over 25 years here in...

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