Reiki Energy Healing

Reiki Energy Healing

I’m sure you have heard about Reiki Energy Healing. Everyone is talking about, I love it, everyone is trying it, but what really is it? What is Reiki Energy Healing? Reiki Energy Healing is a way to tune-up your energy to bring your body to it’s healthiest form allowing for true healing to take place. It is a form of energy healing that can bring powerful help to physical, emotional, mental and spiritual stressors. Reiki is a gentle...

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8 Reasons to Book a Photo Shoot with Janet Barnett Lifestyles Photography

8 Reasons to Book a Photo Shoot with Janet Barnett Lifestyles Photography

Remember my Behind The Scenes post? Janet Barnett Lifestyles Photography is responsible for giving me the confidence to share that. She also was the motivator behind my Out of the Darkness and Into the Light post. Janet is far more than just a lifestyle photographer. She is a conscious human being who cares and has an incredible gift. But I’m getting ahead of myself here! Janet Barnett has been a photographer for over 25 years here in...

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Ecotherapy: How Nature Benefits Our Health

Ecotherapy: How Nature Benefits Our Health

You know that feeling you get when you have been couped up inside for too long? That itchy craving to get outside? Turns out, just as with many of our cravings, there is a big reason for it! Science has proven that nature has a major effect our on health and wellbeing. They even have a name for it – Ecotherapy: Nature Therapy. Ecotherapy is defined as a wide range of therapy programs which aim to improve your mental and physical...

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7 Ways To Find Your Path Today

7 Ways To Find Your Path Today

‘Sometimes the bad things that happen to us put us directly on the path to the best things that will ever happen to us’. Though it can be hard to see through the bad times, I do believe they make the good times that much better! Bad times can be great learning times, if you have the right perspective and motivation. It can be hard to find your path, especially with so many different options (and hurdles) that modern society offers us...

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6 Common Skincare Mistakes That No Conscious Beauty Should Ever Make

6 Common Skincare Mistakes That No Conscious Beauty Should Ever Make

Summer has just ended and so too must our time for being slack with our skincare. From getting too much sun, to not washing our faces enough (or too much from so much swimming), to not changing our sheets enough, summer time can wreak havoc on our skin! So, with fall well under way, it is time to focus back on our skincare and treating ourselves well. Check out how bad these 8 common skincare mistakes are for your skin and how you can...

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Conscious Living Vlog – How To Disinfect Our Indoor Air
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How To Disinfect Our Indoor Air

How To Disinfect Our Indoor Air

Something that we don’t often think about is the air we breathe and how that affects us. With the introduction of using extremely harsh chemicals in cleaning products, furniture and clothes around the second world war, our homes have been on a steady incline to being very polluted. Indoor air pollution is at an all time high. In fact, as of 2002 it is estimated that 20% of deaths in children under 5 around the world are due to acute...

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Conscious Living Vlog – Feeling Beautiful

Conscious Living Vlog – Feeling Beautiful

I’m back!

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Feeling Beautiful, 5 Easy Ways To Feel It Now!

Feeling Beautiful, 5 Easy Ways To Feel It Now!

Everybody likes to feel beautiful and attractive – men and women alike. Sometimes we feel like rock stars… and sometimes we don’t. Everybody experiences slumps where we just aren’t feeling it. It is completely normal. The exciting news is that there are several small things we can do for ourselves to change our perception of ourselves in that moment. Because it does come down to our perceptions of ourselves, we can be our own worst...

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Conscious Living: Domestic Violence Survivor

Conscious Living: Domestic Violence Survivor

Check out a little behind the scenes video from my photo shoot with Janet Barnett Lifestyles Photography! It really was life-changing. I can still practice Conscious Living even as a domestic violence survivor and you can too!

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