Conscious Living with Lindsey in Malibu 10/30/15
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5 Ways to Make Today Awesome

5 Ways to Make Today Awesome

Just as the infinity symbol is never-ending, each moment brings a NEW beginning! Isn’t that great news? That means that the rest of your day will be defined by what you choose to do right now. So in this moment, right now, choose to have a great day! No worries if you need a little encouragement – I got you! Here are 5 Easy Ways to Make Today Awesome! #1 Ways to Make Today Awesome Let the future be your focus, let go of the past....

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How to Stop Making Excuses and Start Making Plans!

How to Stop Making Excuses and Start Making Plans!

We all have at least one – that elusive dream life/job/mate/trip/shiny object… So why is it very few actually ever achieve their dream? Have you ever heard the saying “We are our own worst enemy”? There is a reason someone said that once and it is because we are. We have these great ideas, these dreams, but we are the first person in line to talk ourselves out of why we can’t possibly, really, actually live our dreams. So we occupy...

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Nerium AD Firming Body Contour Cream Review

Nerium AD Firming Body Contour Cream Review

Are you tired of trying to cover up your annoying cellulite or dimples when on vacation? I am. We are headed to Fiji soon and I plan to spend as much time as possible in my bikini! So along with eating healthy and exercising, I am trying Nerium AD Firming Body Contour Cream to help smooth out my skin. Why I chose Nerium AD Firming Body Contour Cream Teri Gray heard about my upcoming trip to Fiji and knew that I would be working hard...

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The Idea Of Perfection

The Idea Of Perfection

For so many years, I was caught up in the idea that everything had to be perfect. I was fooled into thinking that my happiness relied upon having the perfect parents/body/clothes/friends/career/mate/house/children… the list could go on… And for a long time, I bought it. I all but killed myself trying to have everything be perfect for those I loved. If something went wrong, not to worry, I was an expert at guilting myself because I was...

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7 Ways How to Start Choosing Happiness Today

7 Ways How to Start Choosing Happiness Today

Thanks to the Science of Happiness and all of the research that has been done, it is now safe to say that Happiness is a choice. We make choices every day that affect our happiness levels, whether we realize it or not. Confused? If you are able to stay cool even when scared, stressed or angry; if you are able to ask for help when you need it; if you are able to laugh when crying, then YOU CAN get yourself into a much happier state of...

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Nerium AD Age Defying Night Cream Review

Nerium AD Age Defying Night Cream Review

The final four weeks until Fiji begins today and in an effort to get ready for our trip, I have been using both Nerium AD Age Defying Day Cream and Night Cream. I have been using Nerium AD for two weeks now and I am already seeing a reduction in my fine lines and wrinkles. Teri Gray shared this amazing wrinkle-reducing product with me and today I am going to share my honest review of the Nerium AD Age Defying Night Cream. You can buy...

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An Interview with Conscious Beauty Bianca Sanderson
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The Science of Happiness

The Science of Happiness

For so long now, the field of psychology has been focused on fixing what is wrong with us. Finally, we are seeing a shift in that focus! Scientists are instead studying behaviors that help us flourish. We are now seeing research results on what thoughts and behaviors makes us more productive and happier at work. Surveys asking what makes you feel more fulfilled and how can someone make your experience better are common now. It is...

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Nerium AD Age Defying Day Cream Review

Nerium AD Age Defying Day Cream Review

In an effort to get ready for my upcoming trip to Fiji, I have been putting Nerium AD Age Defying Day Cream to the test. Have you heard about Nerium AD Age Defying Day Cream? Teri Gray, a rep for Nerium, heard about my trip to Fiji and has encouraged me to let Nerium AD help get me ready for my vacation! She is sponsoring me to try the Nerium AD anti-aging regime and share my honest opinions with you. You can purchase the Nerium AD...

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