The Butt Babe
That is Aime in the photo above, The Butt Babe. Aime is an incredible personal trainer who works with many performers, execs and plenty of parents who want to stay (or get!) in shape. She came highly recommended to me and I am so glad that I made the call to her. While putting on a pair of pants the day after Halloween, I noticed there was waaaay more junk in my trunk than normal. Halloween candy is not my friend! I knew I needed some...
12 Weeks to a Flawless Fanny – Week 2.
My legs are sore and it is pouring buckets here in Malibu, but that will not stop me in my quest for a flawless fanny! With all of the mudslides and road closures, we will not be able to workout outside today. So we have come to our neighboring town of Westlake Village to The Spot, home of the Butt Babe Aime, to work our rumps out! We will be adding in some weight this week. Using weight is key to building/shaping our fannies....
Why I Hope To Show The World To My Children
Even though it is a rainy day here in #Malibu, it is beautiful and peaceful. The kids are off to school, the hubby and I are working; each of us looking forward to gathering for dinner tonight to all speak of our day at once! Our intentions are good when we start off the day, but we quickly become distracted with work and then become taxi cabs for our children’s plans, chefs to keep them fed and personal assistants to keep the kids...
Thanksgiving 2014
It’s Thanksgiving 2014! On this day we have pie and mimosas (virgin ones for the kiddos) for breakfast. We love to bake pies in our family and a few years ago decided to have the pies for breakfast because we are so full after the feast that we never got to properly enjoy the pies! It is one of my favorite family traditions. Then we have a family tournament – this year it is air hockey! Before we know it, it will be...
Black Friday
With Black Friday right around the corner, deals are everywhere waiting to be found. Instead of braving the stores this year, help support this blog and do your shopping from home! Tea is running a great sale, practically giving away some of their chic world children’s collections. Be sure to have a look! Gymboree is offering 50% off of EVERYTHING PLUS FREE shipping! The best part is you do not have to wait until Friday, the...
12 Weeks to a Flawless Fanny: Week 1 Workout
It is the day before Thanksgiving and I am off to #workout for the first time with the Butt Babe, Aime. We are so lucky to be able to workout in Malibu this morning and I can’t wait. #Malibu is amazing. Please check with your physician to be sure these exercises are safe for you and that what works for us will also work for you. I plan to do a 20 minute yoga routine on my days off to help support change in my body. Be sure to do some...
4 Totally Cool Travel Toys
One of my favorite things to do is to travel with my children. I am so thankful to be able to travel with them. We are on location shooting for our upcoming web series Mama Loves Family Travel and I thought I would share what travel toys my crew is playing with right now! Travel toys are an important part of our trip and can mean the difference between a successful trip and a bad one! So I am always on the lookout for great toys that...
Help – My Body is Jiggly!
The month of October was seriously bad to my butt! Oh how I claim to hate the Halloween candy until 9pm when I secretly love it. Kids are asleep, a show goes on, wine gets poured and one Halloween small sized candy bar from a bag becomes two bars, then the third bar because after all they are just tiny little bars, right? The next thing I knew, most of the bag was gone (oops, the wine too, wait – do they cancel each other out since it...
My 100th Post – Why Have I Done This?
Starting Malibu Mama Loves has been the fifth greatest challenge of my life. It has helped me realize my strength. It has helped me see the strength in others. It is to them that I dedicate this post, my 100th post, which so many thought I could not reach. For the girl who randomly dropped into my life on a very bad day of mine and said “I checked out your site last night and it looks amazing. Here is a little congrats gift for you”...
The Mom Expo Experience
This past Friday and Saturday I experienced my first #TheMomExpo. I wasn’t sure what to expect, I was curious about this Mom Expo thing. It was actually a lot of fun! AND there were a ton of giveaways! Seriously, I left with bags filled with stuff!! My kids were able to trade in a gently used toy to pick an Eco toy even! What is #TheMomExpo? #TheMomExpo is a place for vendors to meet with local moms. It is also a place for local moms...