My Arbonne 28 Day Clean Eating Challenge Week 4 Results
I was 21 days strong in into the Arbonne 28 Day Clean Eating Challenge and feeling great. Week 3 was an emotional one that started off with me detoxing, feeling weak then left me feeling strong, toned and ready to take on the last 7 days of this awesome conscious challenge I took with Laura – the best ever Arbonne Rep click here to meet her! Before I tell you about my last 7 days, I want to note how easy it is to fall off of most...
5 Travel Apps That Will Help You Find And Plan Your Next Vacation
Having a hard time figuring out where to go next and then planning it? I do too, there are just so many options and so many places I want to see and experience. When it comes to finding and planning things, we are turning to our smartphones now more than ever. Thanks to technology, and many creative people, travel planning has been made so much easier. Here is a list of 5 travel apps that will help you find and plan your next vacation...
My Arbonne 28 Day Clean Eating Challenge Week 3 Results
This was the emotional week. The one where it all comes out. The week where everything seemed so much more than it was as my body detoxed. As all of that nasty buildup came out, so too did the emotions that had been building up in me. It all came out in the third week of my Arbonne 28 Day Clean Eating Challenge with Laura. I cried. I laughed. Sometimes at the same time…!! And with each day, I felt stronger and stronger. I could feel...
8 Reasons Why You Should Have A New England Lobster Bake & How
One of my favorite activities growing up in New England was having a Lobster Bake. My grandparents had an amazing home right on the coast in Maine. My grandfather had a lobstering permit and 4 traps placed out in front of the house. I have the best memories of digging up our own clams, checking the lobster pots and then bringing home our fresh catch for the best dinner ever. My gran would have potatoes, corn on the cob, salad and...
Feeling Beautiful, 5 Easy Ways To Feel It Now!
Everybody likes to feel beautiful and attractive – men and women alike. Sometimes we feel like rock stars… and sometimes we don’t. Everybody experiences slumps where we just aren’t feeling it. It is completely normal. The exciting news is that there are several small things we can do for ourselves to change our perception of ourselves in that moment. Because it does come down to our perceptions of ourselves, we can be our own worst...
How to Get Out Green Swimmers Hair
Summer is here and we spend a lot of it in the pool. Being blondes, our hair usually turns green after a couple of days! Over the years I have tried every home remedy out there. From baking soda + a clarifying shampoo to tomato juice to any kind of hair product that claimed it would reduce the green hair effect from swimming in a chlorinated pool. I even did a science project in 5th grade on it! I tested 3 shampoos that claimed to...
Sun Defense Foods
Have you heard about Sun Defense Foods? I knew there were a couple of foods that carried the ability to protect us from the UV rays if we ate them, but I had no idea there were so many, or that science has been studying this for a while now! When WaxHead contacted me to review their organic, safe for our bodies and our oceans, sunscreen, I first checked out their website and that is where I saw the Sun-Defense Foods...
Valentia Skin Detoxifying Clay Mask & Eternal Youth Exfoliating Scrub Review
The conscious beauty inside of me loves trying natural masks and exfoliating scrubs. Since I do exfoliate my face every night, I am always on the lookout for the next greatest conscious product to make my skin sparkle and glow. I jumped right on board when Valentia contacted me to review 2 of their newest products to hit the American market. They sent me both of these products in exchange for my honest review. Here is what I...
Action Camera Kit ‘s Accessories Bundle Kit Review
Having children totally brought the photographer out in me!! From the minute we came home from the hospital (and even on the way home!) I started taking pictures of my little doing everything and anything. At first it was just photos, but then I figured out how to turn my camera’s video recorder on… And I discovered just how fun it is to make videos of us all! Last summer we decided to purchase the GoPro Hero 4 and have been loving...