Why Every Mom Needs A Break

Why Every Mom Needs A Break


We love our children more than anything in life. However, the Momlife is tricky. Carrying the responsibility of another human being (or several other human beings) is a tremendous task whether you are a stay-at-home mom, work-at-home mom or are a 9-5 career mom.

It means you are on duty, 24 hours a day.

It means you have a long list of things to worry about.

It means you will need a break periodically.

Breaks don’t need to be long vacations (though that would be nice – check out these 10 reasons to take a momcation!).

Breaks can be any amount of time that give you some peace, some inner quiet, some time to connect to your mind and hear your own thoughts.

Even if it is just 5 minutes a day, a break will make us better mothers.

Why Every Mom Needs A Break

Every Mom Needs A Break to remember that we are people too.

To remember that we matter, that we deserve time to be ourselves, to hear ourselves without getting drowned out by our children’s or mate’s thoughts and ideas.

Every Mom Needs A Break to maintain our sanity!

Being on-call 24 hours a day can be very trying. Letting someone else take the reins for a bit can help you keep your cool and there is nothing wrong with that. Whether it is a friend, your mate, your mom or in-law, the parent of one of your children’s friends, someone you trust – let them take over for an hour or two and use the time for yourself.

Every Mom Needs A Break to feel refreshed and in control again.

It is so easy to get lost in the momlife. We get so focused on our children’s lives and our mates’ career that we almost forget who we are, that we deserve attention too.

Every Mom Needs A Break to allow our children & our mate to appreciate us a little.

You’ve heard absence makes the heart grow fonder? Well absence also makes the kids have to get their own things, helping them realize that things don’t just magically happen. It helps them see how much we do do for them… 😉

Every Mom Needs A Break to be able to appreciate life.

Taking a break to remind ourselves of all of the things we do have to be grateful for can change your attitude when you are about to blow. When I am really feeling frustrated, I pause and think of 5 things I am thankful for. I say them out loud and suddenly my mood has lifted a bit. I quickly come up with 5 more and so on until my mood has completely improved.

A little break can be an amazing, game-changing thing. In some form or another, Moms from the beginning of time have been taking breaks.

I try to schedule breaks into my day because I know first-hand how important they are.

Do you make sure to take a break for yourself every day?

Malibu Mama Loves Xx

Author: malibumamaloves

I am a conscious mama, a dv survivor, a conscious trauma informed life coach who has overcome trauma and helps others turn their pain into purpose in facing their unhealed traumas.

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  1. Not every day, but I’m trying to take more breaks. I definitely need them. I went out to dinner with some mom friends last night, and I felt so renewed after.

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    • I worked full time with my first son, but I was single so when he went to bed I had some “me” time. Now I stay home with my second, have a house of 5 people, a dog, endless laundry, endless dirt and dog hair to clean…it’s way more work than I thought and I could seriously use one of this momcations!

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    • It is amazing what a little ‘me’ time can do for us, isn’t it!! Have you planned another one yet? 😉

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  2. I never took breaks when my kids were younger. I wish that I had–I probably would have been a nicer person! It is so important to take care of yourself first. If you don’t do that, you can’t take care of anyone else.

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