Getting Caught In The Victim Mentality Trap

Getting Caught In The Victim Mentality Trap


Are you one of the many who have fallen into the victim mentality trap? Ask yourself, when bad things happen in in life, do you take responsibility for them or do you blame the world?

If it’s the latter, you have fallen into the victim mentality trap. This happens more often than you think, but if you get stuck in this mode for too long, it can be a real problem.

A very wise man once told me that the victim mentality trap will only get you two things in life. 1. Exhaustion 2. Poverty. You will be broke all the time and too exhausted to do anything about anything. It’s true, think about it. The people who are blaming the world and pissed off at everything are the ones getting nowhere fast in life.

What Is The Victim Mentality Trap?

People who have a victim mentality believe that life is happening TO them rather than for them resulting in them being quick to feel victimized when things do not go as planned. It is an acquired personality trait in which one feels that they are regularly the victim, constantly getting screwed over because of the actions of other people.

Honestly, at it’s core, the victim mentality trap is a form of avoidance, a way of saying I refuse to take responsibility for my life. They will creatively look for anyone or anything to lame, the begin to be unable to step out of their comfort zones, depression can hit, especially when one has unhealed childhood trauma wounds. Many of us have all been there at some point, but staying in this mode for too long is dangerous.

How Do You Know If You Are In The Victim Mentality Trap?

Do you resonate with any of these 4 signs?

  1. Do you catastrophize all your problems? Are you always thinking the worst is about to happen to you?
  2. Do you feel powerless, like you are just going with the flow and taking all of the crap that comes your way? Do you feel helpless, like you have no control?
  3. Do you have a negative inner self dialogue, constantly putting yourself down and calling yourself insulting names? Do you self-sabotage?
  4. Do you feel like the world is out to get you? That every step you take is wrong?

If any of this feels like you, you are probably stuck and it’s time to start thinking about how we can change your mindset.

How To Get Out Of The Victim Mentality Trap

The first step is to understand and accept where you are and consciously shift your mindset from victim to survivor. You have survived so much, you have become so strong – that is the reality. Here are my top tips on breaking out of the victim mentality trap.

  1. Understand and accept responsibility. It is ok, you were victimized, but YOU SURVIVED!!
  2. Identify and rewrite/reframe limiting beliefs that you are holding onto.
  3. Be conscious of your inner dialogue and begin to say positive things to yourself – begin by healing your inner child.
  4. Learn to appreciate, adopt an attitude of gratitude and watch how fast your life changes.
  5. Think positive, even if you have to force yourself at first. We talk about changing this in our Free Masterclass.
  6. Find your tribe, it is so important to surround yourself with motivational and inspirational people.

Don’t go it alone. You can rewrite this mindset and take control of your life inviting love, light, peace and abundance into your life. You can always reach out to us on Conscious Straight Talk With Katie & Lindsey. We are here to answer any questions and walk with you as you change your mindset.

Malibu Mama Loves Xx

Author: malibumamaloves

I am a conscious mama, a dv survivor, a conscious trauma informed life coach who has overcome trauma and helps others turn their pain into purpose in facing their unhealed traumas.

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