Conscious Parenting: Finding Balance with Self-Love

Conscious Parenting: Finding Balance with Self-Love


Stop and think for one second. Imagine you are another person in a relationship with yourself. Notice what you say to yourself.

How do you treat yourself? How do you speak to yourself? Would you want to be in a relationship with that person?

It is quite common, and yes I do this myself on occasion, for people to beat ourselves up with hateful self-talk; have unrealistic expectations causing depression, deprive ourselves of what we deserve thinking we don’t and possibly abuse our bodies with bad choices. We think if I truly love myself, I am being selfish, no one will like me.

These are the habits that crush our physical and mental health, our relationships, and maybe even our careers.

It is time to undo all of the years of conditioning from our childhood telling us that it is selfish to care for ourselves and change our bad habits to healthy ones with self love. Because realistically –

What is Self-Love?

Self-love is a sensitive balance of respecting, understanding and loving yourself unconditionally. It is the root for the way you interact and share love and respect with others.

Ever heard the advice that you need to love yourself first before you can find true love? Ya, that’s great, but how? Why?

You see, the universe needs you to find that love deep within yourself so that YOU can share it with others. When others see the love and respect you have for yourself, they will have it for you also AND they will find ways to attain it for themselves too. In turn they will know it is ok to sparkle, creating a magnificent ripple effect of love. All because you took the time to love yourself.

But what really is self-love? Self-love is giving yourself some attention and truly loving and accepting yourself. It is exercising, meditating or praying, talking to yourself in a positive uplifting way, showing gratitude for what we have, showing kindness to others, being forgiving, being aware and accepting of our own needs, embracing our flaws.

And the best news is anyone can do it at any time. Check out my post on 14 self-love activities we should do regularly for more great ideas you can start doing today.  

Sharing is caring, spread the love and pin this!


Finding Balance With Self-Love As A Conscious Parent

As parents, self-love is very important, for a couple of reasons.

  1. Being a parent is a thankless (but awesome) job and is the utmost of importance of jobs. If you don’t have healthy self-love habits in place, you may get eaten alive…
  2. We need to teach our children healthy self-love habits for themselves. If we don’t practice them ourselves, how will they learn properly? Kids do as we do, not as we say…

Most of us go to great lengths to show love to our children and our mates. But loving ourselves can seem like a foreign notion. Just like charity starts at home, love starts internally – from within, not externally.

Not sure how to start? I got you – check out these:

5 Tips To Start Finding Balance With Self Love Today

  1. Boost up the loving self talk! I’ve been doing this for years. Look yourself in the mirror every morning and night and tell yourself how amazing you are. List 3 things you appreciate about yourself every morning and focus on the good that you do, your strengths.
  2. Let go of negative thoughts. Train your brain. When you start going down that rabbit hole in your head filled with negativity, remember you control your brain. So STOP! Let go of the negativity. It’s done, there is no going back, only forward and tomorrow can be whatever you want it to be.
  3. Create a back up plan for minor setbacks. Don’t expect everything to be instantly perfect just because. Life will always toss us a challenge. So think about it ahead of time how you will handle your challenges positively instead of freaking out and packing it in.
  4. Surround yourself with loving, inspiring people, but don’t seek theirs or anyone’s approval. You are super awesome no matter what anyone else thinks. Stick around with the positive friends who motivate you, ditch the ones holding you back. And know you rock, you don’t need anyone else to tell you that, you can tell yourself!!
  5. Take care of your body and mind. Our bodies need healthy, real foods to run optimally. Just like our minds need reassurance and love from us. Take stock of what you are eating and make any necessary changes. Today, toss that white crack processed sugar out, get rid of all those nasties and watch how quickly your mindset will change.

So TODAY, make the commitment to love yourself. Watch how quickly your life changes into exactly what you want it to be when you put yourself first sometimes. Because you can. Because it will feel good.

Because self-love is what Conscious Parents do.

As the kids and I are making our fresh start, we are being very conscious of taking time to show some self-love, we hope you choose to too!

Cheers and smiles.

Malibu Mama Loves Xx




Author: malibumamaloves

I am a conscious mama, a dv survivor, a conscious trauma informed life coach who has overcome trauma and helps others turn their pain into purpose in facing their unhealed traumas.

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