The Signs of Being Cheated On
Last week on Conscious Straight Talk With Katie & Lindsey we started a series on being cheated on. Katie has been bravely sharing her story with us and I thought it would be important to list here the signs of being cheated on. Being cheated on is a very painful experience that sadly all too many of us experience. 1 in 4 people will be cheated on. And with social media and a plethora of dating sites (even ones dedicated to...
The 5 Love Languages
As we prepare for our Valentine’s Day evening, I thought it would be fun to talk a little about the 5 love languages and why they are important. The love languages were identified in 1992 by relationship expert Dr. Gary Chapman. After years upon years of relationship counseling, he came up with 5 main ways in which we give and receive love. This is important because often times we are giving love in the way we want it, but not...
Getting Caught In The Victim Mentality Trap
Are you one of the many who have fallen into the victim mentality trap? Ask yourself, when bad things happen in in life, do you take responsibility for them or do you blame the world? If it’s the latter, you have fallen into the victim mentality trap. This happens more often than you think, but if you get stuck in this mode for too long, it can be a real problem. A very wise man once told me that the victim mentality trap will only...
Common Types Of Eating Disorders
It’s that time of year when we are all focused on changing our habits, our eating habits being a main focus for many so we have been talking about eating disorders on Conscious Straight Talk With Katie & Lindsey. As many people strive to change their eating habits, it is important to remain balanced. Yet many do not. More than 30 million American men and women each year are affected by some form of eating disorder. It is thought...
To Vax Or Not To Vax – That Is The Covid Question
To vax or not to vax, that is the current covid question. I think it is a very personal choice based upon your current health conditions – watch...
Let’s Talk About Eating Disorders
An all to common subconscious response to unhealed childhood trauma is to develop an eating disorder. Eating disorders affect nearly 30 million Americans a year, specifically 20 million women and 10 million men yearly. This is a crazy high number and much to my disappointment, the topic is still pretty taboo. Though I have never suffered from an eating disorder, I did have an amazing food revolution where I learned so much about...
The Narcissist’s Flying Monkeys
Remember in the Wizard of Oz how the Wicked Witch of the West had a group of brainwashed flying monkeys to do her evil bidding? When any character saw them coming, they would duck and cover in fear and fright, right, knowing that they were bringing pain and hurt for whomever the witch happened to be angry at, at that moment. As it turns out the narcissist has flying monkeys too!! What Is A Narcissist’s Flying Monkey? A flying monkey...
A Chance To Be Brand New – It’s 2022!!!!
Happy New Year!! Finally it is here. A year that is sure to bring magic, a year that is sure to bring change. We have all seen major changes in the last couple of years. The world is no longer as it once was and we have all had to make major adjustments. Covid has challenged us all in unique ways and forced us all to rise to the occasion creating new healthy, conscious habits and way of life. It was a major adjustment to say the...
Conscious Parenting: What You Need To Know About Mass Shootings
As the year is wrapping up, and the threats keep growing, we need to start and keep the conversation on mass shootings going. Can you believe that in the USA in 2021 there were more than 675 reported mass shootings leaving high numbers of folks dead or seriously injured?? I was shocked at that number. As are my children. Are you? Mass shootings are something we need to be aware of and as conscious parents we need to talk to our kids...
10 Tips To Stay Consciously Calm During The Holidays
Though the holidays are a magical, wonderous time of year filled with festivities and good cheer; they can also cause many of us incredible stress and anxiety too. Actually, it is reported that more than 64% of North Americans each year experience some form of stress, anxiety or just plain old holiday blues at some point during this magical season. There can be so many reasons to NOT be consciously calm during this holiday season....