A New Year, A New Life

A New Year, A New Life

My favorite thing about the New Year holiday is taking the time to think about the previous year and how I would like things to be different in the upcoming New Year knowing that anything is possible with a fresh start. Some years things are going great so it is a matter of upping my game, right?! Other years, not so much and a total energy revamp is needed! 2018 went out in a blaze of craziness for me. So 2019 is definitely one of...

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Hello 2019!!

Hello 2019!!

You have no idea how glad I am to see a new year begin! I spent my New Year’s holiday reflecting on this past year and thinking about what I wanted for us in 2019, just like many people. Honestly, 2018 was a rough year for me and I need to make a lot of changes!! Instead of setting resolutions, I like to set intentions. I found for many years when making resolutions and lists of things I wanted to change for the new year, I forgot...

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Win 2 VIP Tickets to the 10th Annual Taste of Conejo Event!

Win 2 VIP Tickets to the 10th Annual Taste of Conejo Event!

This Friday November 9th, 2018 is the night the 10th Annual Taste of Conejo Event will take place at the Four Seasons in Westlake. It is a fabulous event filled with amazing food tastings, great wine pairings, awesome local businesses, excellent entertainment and really fun people! You seriously do not want to miss it! They have live entertainment on the center stage all night creating a friendly fun atmosphere. Check out how much fun...

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20 Reasons To Be Thankful In November 2018

20 Reasons To Be Thankful In November 2018

One of my favorite months of the year, November is here! In the US we celebrate Thanksgiving in November. It may not have started off as what it is today, but I love what it is all about now. Thanksgiving is a time to be thankful for all that we have – friends, family, food, community… There is just so much to celebrate that I like to spread it out for the whole month, starting today!! So let’s kick off the month of Thanksgiving –...

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5 Ways Metal Art Will Make You Happy

5 Ways Metal Art Will Make You Happy

“A work of art is above all an adventure of the mind.” Eugene Ionesco wrote. Sage words. It’s so true, isn’t it? A piece of art can be viewed as something different and interesting by each person. It is thought-provoking. It evokes emotion. It is an incredible vessel for self-expression. It makes each and every one of us feel. There are so many incredible forms of art, all to be admired, but recently I have stumbled upon something...

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What is in the Arbonne 28 Day Clean Eating Challenge Box?

What is in the Arbonne 28 Day Clean Eating Challenge Box?

So I have to be a little honest here in that with everything my family has been experiencing over the last year behind the scenes, we have gotten a little slack in our eating habits… It happens. It’s ok. But it is time to change! And thankfully there are great programs out there like Arbonne’s 28 Day Clean Eating Challenge to help! So today is the day for me! I am making the commitment to follow the Arbonne Detox program and eat clean...

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My Arbonne 28 Day Clean Eating Challenge Unboxing

My Arbonne 28 Day Clean Eating Challenge Unboxing

Thanks to Laura over at Arbonne I am well on my way to a healthier, happier me. Today I am starting the 28 Day Clean Eating Challenge and am so excited! Check out my unboxing video here to see all of the goodies I received from Arbonne. Now be sure to give it a thumbs up and head over to Laura’s page here and get your order started today! Cheers and healthy eating! Malibu Mama Loves...

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7 Reasons Why Domestic Violence Victims Stay

7 Reasons Why Domestic Violence Victims Stay

This is one of the first questions almost everyone asks me. And I don’t think I am the only one who gets asked it. “Why did you stay?” almost always followed up by, “I would never tolerate that.”. But what most people don’t understand is that leaving a marriage, creating change is not simply a matter of walking out the door, it is a process – a big, scary, life-changing process. Especially when there are children involved. So...

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October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month – Do You Know Why & How You Can Help?

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month – Do You Know Why & How You Can Help?

Domestic Violence has been occurring worldwide for as long as anyone can remember. It is that nasty, embarrassing topic that no one wants to talk about or acknowledge, leaving victims to feel alone, afraid and helpless. Enter the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, powered by strong survivors and domestic violence victim advocates. The History of The National Coalition Against Domestic Violence They were founded by survivors...

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5 Great Labor Day Weekend Backyard Party Ideas

5 Great Labor Day Weekend Backyard Party Ideas

I love to travel for long weekends, but that is not always possible. Sometimes, a long weekend at home can be just what you need too… it’s all about balance, right? So if that Labor Day Weekend trip is not going to happen this year, try bringing your friends and family together for one last backyard bash to welcome fall in and say goodbye to summer! 5 Great Labor Day Weekend Backyard Party Ideas A New England Lobster Bake, no matter...

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