Parental Alienation
Though it is one of the worst forms of abuse for children, parental alienation is not a crime. Evidence of parental alienation may be used in court to modify or adjust custody orders, but the damage will already have been done – and nothing will happen to the abuser. It is heartbreaking and devastating to those families that go through this. Over 3.9 million children in the US alone each year are moderately to severely alienated from...
Identity Theft
Just reading that bring chills to everyone, even if you are lucky enough not to experience it! We ALL fear it and when we do have to deal with it, on any level, it is a nightmare!! Identity Theft affects more than 33% of people here in the US. That means each year, over 15 million Americans fall victim to identity theft and 1 in 5 people in the EU experience identity theft. Crazier still is that in 2020, over 2.2 million fraud reports...
Sex Addiction
Just like drug, alcohol and gambling addictions, sex can be an addiction too, just as nasty as the others. And usually, it is completely misunderstood and hard to diagnose. The difference between having a high sex drive and having a sex addiction is that sex (whatever form it takes for the person) becomes so important that is begins to negatively impact your life – your job, relationships, hobbies. With over 30 million people...
How To Talk To Your Kids About Their Sexuality
One of the toughest conversations to tackle with your child is about their sexual identity. Even though literally everyone goes through this stage and has to figure it out for themselves, it can be super uncomfortable for many people to talk about. As conscious parents, we just want our children to be safe, happy, healthy, aware and supported, but often are unsure of how to best do this. The scary thing is, studies show us that many...
BlogHer Health Event
We got to attend an awesome event at Rolling Greens On Mateo Nursery hosted by BlogHer She Media! They brought together a wonderful a-list blend of thought leaders, educators and women who love to get social and share their knowledge. It was a beautiful LA day filled with lots of great info, products to get to know and new friends to make! Check it out below as we go live on Conscious Straight Talk With Katie &...
Trauma Bonding Explained
One of the worst things about a toxic relationship is trauma bonding. Trauma bonding creates powerful feelings that are completely confusing and so so real… What Is Trauma Bonding? Trauma bonds are deep, emotional bonds with an individual rooted in reoccurring cyclical patterns of abuse or devaluation followed by positive reinforcement. When we experience long term abuse, our sympathetic nervous systems become activated placing you in...
Toxic Relationships – Everything You Need To Be Conscious Of
I learned a really interesting thing today. It was almost like an ah-ha moment… We have been talking a lot about domestic violence and the different forms of abuse lately on Conscious Straight Talk With Katie & Lindsey. The topic of toxic people and relationships has come up a lot hence we thought it would be helpful to do an episode just on toxic relationships. So we started researching, thinking about the experiences we have...
Finding Your New Normal After A Loss
Over on Conscious Straight Talk With Katie & Lindsey we have been sharing the raw journey Katie has been on since loosing her father very suddenly and unexpectedly 2 weeks ago. We have talked about how to talk to each other on grieving and our children. Today we talked about finding your new normal after a loss. When everything slows down and the realization sets in, finding your new normal after a loss can be a huge challenge....
12 Ways To Consciously Keep Your Relationship Fresh Today
We all know that relationships can be a LOT of work. They don’t just happen, no matter how hard Hollywood tries to make us think they do! So Katie and I thought it would be fun to share some tips to consciously keep your relationship fresh today! 12 Ways To Consciously Keep Your Relationship Fresh Today DO NOT offer your partner a solution to their problem unless asked. Listen to them, maintain some eye contact and let them get to...
In Loving Memory Of Paul Revere Hutchinson Jr.
It is with deep sadness that I tell you my partner on Conscious Straight Talk With Katie & Lindsey very unexpectedly lost her father this week. My heart and prayers are with their family as they go through this very hard process. Please see our small tribute to Paul here: Please find Paul’s full obituary and memorial here: Paul Revere Hutchinson Jr Remembered The grief process is a long hard one, unique unto each of...