Domestic Violence – Turning Pain Into Purpose

Domestic Violence – Turning Pain Into Purpose


Something that doesn’t get talked about often is the after. What happens after? After I leave? After I am decided? After the dust has settled? What happens when the domestic violence is over and I am on my own?

I remember thinking all of this. I remember the day when I feel like I woke up, years after getting us out of the darkness, and started wondering how I shift my pain into purpose. I had been on autopilot for so long, just coping, trying to make sense of it all, making one bad decision after another. I was far away from family and most people around me didn’t know how to help or what to do. So I isolated and got depressed.

Until I was ready to change. Until the shift happened – and it does happen in it’s own time with therapy – and I realized all that I had to live for, all that I had to offer. It was time to turn my pain into purpose.

No one really talks about this part of it. When the dust has settled, how do you pick up the pieces, relearn life and move on?

It is scary.

It is hard.

Turning Pain Into Purpose

The biggest lesson I learned in my experience is DO NOT go it alone. Find your tribe, like-minded people who inspire and motivate you. Join a program for survivors and do the life changing work. Because the tricky thing about trauma is that it is unique unto each of us as per our experiences. So it is important to be mindful of yourself – how you treat yourself and others, how you are feeling, how you are reacting to situations. Take time for yourself, be kind to yourself and have some time with friends. Learn to be your biggest cheerleader.

What I realized is that our experiences help make us who we are, we can choose to stay angry, afraid of life or, when we are ready, we can choose to face what has been done TO us and use that pain and knowledge to bring forward our true purpose in life.

By doing your inner child healing work, you can begin to reach into your locked up inner child and finally help them to become all that they can be. You can turn your pain into purpose. It takes constant conscious effort, being part of a group going through similar things can help, but it can be done.

And it is a beautiful process.

If you are ready to take that step, let’s talk about it, there are so many options available to you. Contact me here.

Get Started Healing Today


Malibu Mama Loves Xx


Author: malibumamaloves

I am a conscious mama, a dv survivor, a conscious trauma informed life coach who has overcome trauma and helps others turn their pain into purpose in facing their unhealed traumas.

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