Knowing When To Say NO

Knowing When To Say NO

I don’t know about you, but I have struggled with saying no for my whole life. As an empath, I want everyone to be happy and healthy and I will go to any length to help that happen for them. Yes is my jam!! It should be super simple to say. Yet when it comes time, the no just gets caught in my throat. My brain says no and my heart says yes! Guess what comes out of my mouth?! Which occasionally (ok, more often than not) gets me into...

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7 Signs You Need A Break From Work

7 Signs You Need A Break From Work

The Covid-19 Quarantine has changed everything. Suddenly many are working from home who have never had to before with a whole lot more time on their hands. Using some of that time to get work accomplished is great, but using all of that time can quickly cause us to burn out. Not sure where you fall? Here are signs that you do need a break from work – even if you are at home!! 7 Signs You Need A Break From Work You start making small...

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20 Conscious Things To Do During Quarantine

20 Conscious Things To Do During Quarantine

With the whole world shut down, we are learning a new way of life. As everyone is recommended to self-quarantine to slow down the spread of Covid-19, an equally distressing problem is on the rise – stir-crazy boredom! Thank God for the internet, right? At least we can stay connected on this level and share our great ideas on keeping busy, on reinventing our lives, on helping our children cope with this. We have been keeping pretty...

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The Truth Behind A Letter From Albert Einstein On The Universal Force of Love

The Truth Behind A Letter From Albert Einstein On The Universal Force of Love

My sister-in-law (owner ofHand, Heart and Soul) recently posted a letter she found from Albert Einstein supposedly to his daughter on the Universal Force of Love. It touched me so much, I had to do a bit of research into it. This is what I love about the internet and social media postings – you start researching interesting topics you had never even known existed! Most places you find this letter, it is prefaced to his daughter...

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20 Things I Wish Someone Had Told Me About Divorce

20 Things I Wish Someone Had Told Me About Divorce

Not that it would have changed my mind, but it may have prepared me a little bit for what lay after the divorce… I mean let’s be realistic. I was the third wife to my first (and only) x-husband – who is already onto his 4th wife! He had a pattern that I was blind to, like many young women in love. After 12 years together, we are now four years into our divorce. Here is what I wish someone had told me about divorce – just to prepare...

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13 Conscious Ways To Stay Focused and Increase Productivity

13 Conscious Ways To Stay Focused and Increase Productivity

Making our dreams into reality is challenging. It takes perseverance, dedication, focus and hard work, something a lot of people shy away from. But the results and benefits are oh so good and they will keep us chasing the rabbit forever! For a while I was lost, unfocused, getting nothing accomplished, falling deeper into depression. Until I had my ah-ha moment one day and realized that I can choose to create and build my dreams, I...

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7 Conscious Ways To Thrive After Divorce

7 Conscious Ways To Thrive After Divorce

Divorced? Struggling to figure it all out? Welcome to the club!! The season after a divorce can be very stormy and overwhelming for even the best of us. It doesn’t matter if you knew it was coming or it was a complete shocker, divorce is ugly, hard and a very painful process. First, you have to adapt and accept that the marriage didn’t work out, then you have to tell family and friends and go through societies’ judgements. And then...

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Conscious Goal Setting – What You Need To Know

Conscious Goal Setting – What You Need To Know

The Covid-19 quarantine has given us all a lot of time to think and re-think our paths. Many people feel like they are floating through life, coping to survive day to day feeling like they work really hard yet can’t seem to get anywhere. We all go through seasons where we feel this way. That is why goal setting is so important. We’ve talked before about setting intentions, which is a great place to start and to keep us motivated....

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7 Conscious Tips To Help You Survive The Covid-19 Quarantine

7 Conscious Tips To Help You Survive The Covid-19 Quarantine

Most of us have been home in Covid-19 quarantine for a week now and I believe this is just the beginning. Covid-19 is real and we must protect ourselves and those that we love. Some of us are embracing being at home, some of us are freaking out from it. Either way, change can be scary and hard. Thankfully we have the internet, a safe easy way to stay connected to each other from a safe distance. At least our children can still learn...

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6 Conscious Steps To Overcome Your Fear Of Failure

6 Conscious Steps To Overcome Your Fear Of Failure

We all suffer from it at some point in our lives. Thefear of failure. Some more than others, and that is ok. Last week we talked about the fear of failure and the 4 root causes of it. Today I want to dive right into 6 conscious steps you can start taking today, right now, to overcome your fear of failure. Because I know you can do it. If I can, you definitely can!! I think the biggest thing for me is that I truly do feel like if/when...

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