7 Conscious Ways To Thrive After Divorce

7 Conscious Ways To Thrive After Divorce

Divorced? Struggling to figure it all out? Welcome to the club!! The season after a divorce can be very stormy and overwhelming for even the best of us. It doesn’t matter if you knew it was coming or it was a complete shocker, divorce is ugly, hard and a very painful process. First, you have to adapt and accept that the marriage didn’t work out, then you have to tell family and friends and go through societies’ judgements. And then...

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4 Ways To Consciously Help Children Cope During Quarantine

4 Ways To Consciously Help Children Cope During Quarantine

The Covid-19 quarantine has certainly changed everyone’s life, quickly. And as hard as this change has been for us, imagine how rough it has been on our littles, some of whom aren’t even really able to fully understand what is going on. Just that they can no longer go to school or see their friends in person. Just as we need our coping mechanisms as adults, our kids need theirs too. Many of us parents are struggling to find our...

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Conscious Goal Setting – What You Need To Know

Conscious Goal Setting – What You Need To Know

The Covid-19 quarantine has given us all a lot of time to think and re-think our paths. Many people feel like they are floating through life, coping to survive day to day feeling like they work really hard yet can’t seem to get anywhere. We all go through seasons where we feel this way. That is why goal setting is so important. We’ve talked before about setting intentions, which is a great place to start and to keep us motivated....

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7 Conscious Tips To Help You Survive The Covid-19 Quarantine

7 Conscious Tips To Help You Survive The Covid-19 Quarantine

Most of us have been home in Covid-19 quarantine for a week now and I believe this is just the beginning. Covid-19 is real and we must protect ourselves and those that we love. Some of us are embracing being at home, some of us are freaking out from it. Either way, change can be scary and hard. Thankfully we have the internet, a safe easy way to stay connected to each other from a safe distance. At least our children can still learn...

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A Common Sense Approach To Covid-19

A Common Sense Approach To Covid-19

A major transition is before us, it is official. The coronavirus outbreak has spread and is shutting life as we know it down. As workplaces, schools and recreation spaces are being shut down, high-profile sporting events, concerts and shows are being cancelled our already struggling healthcare system is about to be put under even more pressure… people are scared. And everything needs to change. This pandemic has dealt a blow to global...

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7 Reasons To Plant A Garden This Spring

7 Reasons To Plant A Garden This Spring

We love to look at them, we love to photograph them, we love to eat from them, we love the symbolism they bring to our lives; and planting them is pretty amazing too. Planting a garden is a conscious act of hope, a step into acknowledging the power of positive. When you plant a garden you tell the universe that you believe you will be alive to harvest the produce, that you believe enough sun and rain will be given to make the plants...

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6 Conscious Steps To Overcome Your Fear Of Failure

6 Conscious Steps To Overcome Your Fear Of Failure

We all suffer from it at some point in our lives. Thefear of failure. Some more than others, and that is ok. Last week we talked about the fear of failure and the 4 root causes of it. Today I want to dive right into 6 conscious steps you can start taking today, right now, to overcome your fear of failure. Because I know you can do it. If I can, you definitely can!! I think the biggest thing for me is that I truly do feel like if/when...

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What is Fear Of Failure

What is Fear Of Failure

Have you ever been so afraid of failing that you decide to not even try? Has a fear of failure caused you to miss out on some great learning chances, or possibly even other work prospects? Chances are yes at some point in your life. I know I have felt this a few times over the years – especially during university exam time, and interestingly, when it came to naming my children, and periodically as a momprenuer…!!! Before I knew...

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How To Consciously Strengthen Your Immune System

How To Consciously Strengthen Your Immune System

Our bodies are wonderful, magnificent creations with an incredible ability to heal itself. As we become more awakened, this foolish notion that we need chemicals and drugs more than nature and a conscious healthy lifestyle is slowly fading. Because the truth is, our bodies do have superpowers. And research is continuing every day to prove and show us just how much our bodies can do. All it takes is a little understanding, a little...

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Why We Procrastinate & How To Motivate

Why We Procrastinate & How To Motivate

Have you ever thought “Why do I procrastinate”? If you are anything like me you have this thought kinda regularly…!! It’s a common question that plagues us all. We know we have to get it done, so why do we find any and every excuse to push it off to later? The reality is that procrastination just slows down our rate of success – our ability to achieve great things while creating more stress and anxiety in us. To procrastinate is...

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