10 Tips To Ease Your Holiday Blues

 10 Tips To Ease Your Holiday Blues

The Holidays are filled with festivities, holiday cheer, jolly music, decadent foods and everyone is supposed to be happy and thankful, right? No pressure at all… just be happy, right? Wrong!! The Holiday Blues are a lot more common than you may realize. In fact, it is suggested that more than 64% of us feel stress, anxiety, depression or some form of sadness during the Holiday season at one point. I know I do. And this year will be...

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A Very Covid Thanksgiving

A Very Covid Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving! I wanted to take this time to share a poem with you that I have written, to help my children understand that hope is alive, that good things will come, that through understanding there will be awareness. We hope you have a wonderful day today, and I hope this sparks a little thought and lends a little hope to you. Thanksgiving 2020 is sure to be a most unusual day, As many families give thanks in a new and...

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5 Tips To Keep A Conscious Mindset During The Covid Holidays

5 Tips To Keep A Conscious Mindset During The Covid Holidays

The holidays are indeed upon us and as with everything in 2020, I’m sure they will prove to be most unusual for sure. With Thanksgiving just days away, many people’s plans are still up in the air, confused as to how to create a special day for our families in this strange new normal of Covid Quarantine. Maintaining a conscious mindset can be hard, but it is entirely possible! The memes have been entertaining, the news has been...

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The Truth About Trauma     

The Truth About Trauma     

Trauma is another one of those words that sparks a lot of misconception. Often when we hear the word trauma we think immediately of someone being beaten or abused in some devastating way or some extreme, highly stressful circumstance. Which stems from trauma being defined as a deeply distressing or disturbing experience. Turning on the news now, and even just checking out your social media, we see all kinds of violent tragedies...

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Depression Vs. Sadness

Depression Vs. Sadness

What You Need To Know Each and every one of us will experience sadness at some point this year. In the USA, around 18 million of us will also experience depression this year. From the outside, sadness and depression can look very similar. Just as the cold and the flu look similar on the outside, right? But they are not! Not at all… in fact, if sadness were to feel like getting a cold, then depression is to feel like getting Covid-19...

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The Thing About Depression

The Thing About Depression

This word carries such a stigma within our society – Depression. People want to avoid it and pretend it is not real. And unless you have dealt with it or are close to someone who has, it can be really hard to understand. It is right up there with domestic violence on the list of things people are hesitant to admit and talk about. But we have to keep the conversation going, we have to become aware of the problems plaguing our society....

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My Daughter’s Bike – A Story Of Projection

My Daughter’s Bike – A Story Of Projection

Everyone is abuzz with Thanksgiving this month! I love reading stories of praise and thanks all over social media and hearing them from friends around town. It is great! I have my own bizarre but true story that just recently happened that is just so good, I have to share it with you!! A story of positivity and projection. A story showing that community can come together and create really good things, randomly, with a little...

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20 Reasons To Be Thankful In November 2020

20 Reasons To Be Thankful In November 2020

The holiday season is setting upon us! I love this time of year. And just like everything else in 2020, this holiday season is going to be different – amazing, but different. Covid Quarantine has changed everything. I remember when we first went into lockdown reading a meme that said I think the universe is punishing us and just sent us all to our rooms to think about what we have done. And it is so true. Humans, Americans especially,...

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Signs Of Domestic Violence

Signs Of Domestic Violence

The sad truth is that it is really hard to tell if a partner will become abusive or not. Domestic Violence has a quiet way of creeping in and destroying realities – slowly but surely. Recently, we discussed https://malibumamaloves.com/7-types-of-domestic-violence/the 7 types of domestic violence abuse. So let’s dive a little deeper and talk about the signs of each type and what you can do. Recognizing them is the first step, so think...

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7 Types Of Domestic Violence

7 Types Of Domestic Violence

Abuse comes in many different forms. Some on multiple levels, some just in one form. Both equally devasting and traumatic. And the victims may take so long to see it and understand that it is wrong – due to possible years of conditioning, that it can be really hard to get out of. Friends and family may notice signs but aren’t sure what to do. I’ve been on all sides of this table, and the biggest advice I can give is to learn. To keep...

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