To Vax Or Not To Vax – That Is The Covid Question
To vax or not to vax, that is the current covid question. I think it is a very personal choice based upon your current health conditions – watch...
Let’s Talk About Eating Disorders
An all to common subconscious response to unhealed childhood trauma is to develop an eating disorder. Eating disorders affect nearly 30 million Americans a year, specifically 20 million women and 10 million men yearly. This is a crazy high number and much to my disappointment, the topic is still pretty taboo. Though I have never suffered from an eating disorder, I did have an amazing food revolution where I learned so much about...
The Narcissist’s Flying Monkeys
Remember in the Wizard of Oz how the Wicked Witch of the West had a group of brainwashed flying monkeys to do her evil bidding? When any character saw them coming, they would duck and cover in fear and fright, right, knowing that they were bringing pain and hurt for whomever the witch happened to be angry at, at that moment. As it turns out the narcissist has flying monkeys too!! What Is A Narcissist’s Flying Monkey? A flying monkey...
A Chance To Be Brand New – It’s 2022!!!!
Happy New Year!! Finally it is here. A year that is sure to bring magic, a year that is sure to bring change. We have all seen major changes in the last couple of years. The world is no longer as it once was and we have all had to make major adjustments. Covid has challenged us all in unique ways and forced us all to rise to the occasion creating new healthy, conscious habits and way of life. It was a major adjustment to say the...
10 Tips To Stay Consciously Calm During The Holidays
Though the holidays are a magical, wonderous time of year filled with festivities and good cheer; they can also cause many of us incredible stress and anxiety too. Actually, it is reported that more than 64% of North Americans each year experience some form of stress, anxiety or just plain old holiday blues at some point during this magical season. There can be so many reasons to NOT be consciously calm during this holiday season....
The Power Of Group Healing
In recent years we have seen the trends in mental health leaning towards group healing over one-on-one healing. The word on the power of group healing is spreading quickly, I’m sure you have heard about it. Group therapy is a form of psychotherapy where participants work in groups rather than speaking directly to a therapist 1 on 1 and provides powerful group healing. They are often about one particular experience type that many may...
When The Bullying Happens At Home
School yards and work spaces are not the only areas that bullying can occur in. Sometimes the bully lives right within your own home. Sometimes the bully is someone who is supposed to love you, care for you, protect you. Contrary to popular belief, bullying does not go away with acne, age or adolescents. Why Does Bullying Happen at home? Often times, bullying is a sign of unhealed childhood trauma in an adult who has never learned how...
What Is Unhealed Childhood Trauma And How To Deal With It Consciously
Unhealed childhood trauma is a very tricky trauma indeed, lying deep within our roots, creating many types of limiting beliefs and behaviors all through our lives – often without us even realizing it. But the truth is unhealed childhood trauma can be transformed in purpose, into learning how to make better choices and honor the true you. What is It? When we experience traumatic things in childhood, we often don’t know they are...
Conscious Straight Talk With Katie & Lindsey
My team is growing and so to is our ability to spread and share healing! This holiday season is sure to be one that is never forgotten, and I am so excited to share with you our exciting news – more things to be thankful for!! The amazing Katie Hutchinson, LMFT and I are teaming up to bring you an interactive live facebook straight talk show on everything conscious. As a licensed therapist with over 20 years’ experience, she brings...
4 Conscious Lessons We Can Learn From Nature
Ever heard the saying “Nature is not a place to visit. It is home.”? I fully believe there is so much truth in that statement, and that there are so many conscious lessons we can learn from nature. Many cultures embrace nature and hold it in the highest of values. Yet in many societies, materialism has us quickly detaching from nature and losing sight of all that it does have to teach us. As a conscious trauma informed life coach, I...