How To Stand Up For Yourself
Something that many, many of struggle with is standing up for ourselves. The truth is, learning how to stand up for yourself actually betters your mental health and means you are looking out for your own well-being, respecting and honoring your self-worth. The thing is, when we are too passive during a difficult situation, we end up feeling like we have been walked all over and we’ve let ourselves down. We start feeling like doormats...
4 Tips For Every Conscious Pet Parent
They may not be our flesh and blood, but pets certainly are beloved like they are our perfect little children! That’s why caring for them is every bit as important as caring for yourself and other humans. Just as each child does, each pet presents a unique set of challenges for their pet parent to go through. Bringing home the new puppy or new pet is one of the most exciting days ever. Along with that comes a lot of questions too –...
Are You Experiencing A Midlife Crisis?
Though aging is the biggest blessing of all, it can also lead to feelings of depression, remorse and anxiety, causing many people to do things out of their character. Our society has given a name to these feelings, this phase of life in which we try to feel youthful again as we struggle to come to terms with the fact that we are closer to the end than to the beginning. That is a Midlife Crisis. We’ve all heard about them, many have...
Signs Your Child May Be On Drugs
Kids are overdosing at the highest rate ever now. There are more kids taking prescription pills, making trending drinks to numb themselves now than ever before. So we really need to be aware of it. Have you heard of the latest trend called Lean or sizzurp? Thanks to some NFL influencers, teens are overdosing on mixing cough syrup with codeine, soda and gummy candies to ‘have a good time’. Or taking street pills laced with fentanyl. Or...
What Everyone Should Know About Stalking
Have you ever been stalked? Do you have a friend who has? Are you worried a friend/family member or someone you know may be stalking someone else? It is estimated that 13.5 million people are stalked every year in the USA. Nearly 1 in 3 women and 1 in 6 men have experienced stalking at some point in their lives. It comes in many different vile forms. Though all states list stalking as a crime, it is very rarely, and very hard, to...
What Is Financial Abuse?
The least spoken about form of abuse, yet the #1 reason people stay in or return to an abusive relationship is Financial Abuse. Generally when people talk about abuse, one’s mind goes to physical, sexual, emotional, but we never seem to talk about the financial abuse that is present in nearly every (more than 99%) of domestic violence cases. What is Financial Abuse? Financial abuse is the control of one’s ability to acquire, use...
5 Things You Never Knew About Insomnia
Almost all of us have trouble sleeping from time to time. Think about those times for a second, when you struggled to fall asleep, stayed up most of the night, kept waking up for one thing or another. How did you feel the next day? Now imagine that happening at least 4 times a week (if not every night) for over 3 months… That is insomnia and for the more than 70 million American adults who live with this condition, it affects many...
Women’s Rights in 2022
As many of us know, on June 24, 2022 our Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade removing federal rights for a woman to have an abortion, leaving the ultimate decision to each state independently. It seems that our Supreme Court has decided that women’s rights are no longer human rights. Quickly to follow, 6 states (South Dakota, Misourri, Wisconsin, Oklahoma, Arkansas and Alabama) have banned abortions, with several more set to follow...
Parental Alienation
Though it is one of the worst forms of abuse for children, parental alienation is not a crime. Evidence of parental alienation may be used in court to modify or adjust custody orders, but the damage will already have been done – and nothing will happen to the abuser. It is heartbreaking and devastating to those families that go through this. Over 3.9 million children in the US alone each year are moderately to severely alienated from...
Identity Theft
Just reading that bring chills to everyone, even if you are lucky enough not to experience it! We ALL fear it and when we do have to deal with it, on any level, it is a nightmare!! Identity Theft affects more than 33% of people here in the US. That means each year, over 15 million Americans fall victim to identity theft and 1 in 5 people in the EU experience identity theft. Crazier still is that in 2020, over 2.2 million fraud reports...